POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SHOWERED WITH BLESSINGS! Follow the Prophet Guessing Game Youth can see from these falling raindrops things the prophets have told us to do, e.g., “When I follow the Prophet Spencer W. Kimball and listen for the Spirit after my prayers … how is my family blessed?” the youth can answer ways they are SHOWERED WITH BLESSINGS.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home (family home evening), Young Women, Young Men, Seminary/Institute, Activity Days
Showered with Blessings! Follow the Prophet Guessing Game
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn how they and their families can be blessed by keeping their baptismal covenants and obeying the prophet.
- Show youth Church magazines and a picture of the current prophet and his words. Explain how we are blessed as we listen to and follow him. Ask youth to share how following the prophet blesses their families.

2. Post the umbrella and a few raindrops on the board and say, “The Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley said, “God will shower down blessings upon those who walk in obedience to His commandments” (Ensign, May 1995 71).
3. Say, “Let’s play this Blessings Guessing Game to learn how we are blessed and our families are blessed because we follow the prophet.”
TO PLAY THE BLESSINGS GUESSING GAME, divide children/youth into two teams, writing each team’s name on the board (e.g., “Thunder!” and “Lightning!”).
- Note: Before the activity, post raindrops around the room.
- Point to the umbrella and have a child read aloud, “I am showered with blessings when I follow the prophet!” Talk about how you personally are showered with blessings when you obey.
- Have children/youth take turns finding a raindrop and reading it, saying how they and their family are blessed for obeying this prophet.
- Award a point for each raindrop read and answered. Award 2 points when they draw a BONUS 2 raindrop that says “You followed the prophet!”
- Count points to determine the winning team.
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white. Cut out the umbrella and raindrops. Mount the umbrella on a poster and laminate that and the raindrops (separately). Place double-stick tape on the raindrops.
TESTIMONY SHARING: Ask children/youth to share their testimony on the following. Ideas: Why is it important to listen to and follow the living prophets? We sustain the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators. Their teachings reflect the will of the Lord. They give us instruction, warnings, and counsel from the Lord for our day. We are blessed with safety, peace, and spiritual strength when we listen to and obey their counsel. SEE *QUESTION BELOW.
THOUGHT TREAT: Raindrop-shaped Treats. Create treats that are raindrop shapes. Idea #1: Purchase blue fruit roll-ups and cut into raindrops. Idea #2: Shape cookie dough into raindrop shapes, bake, and frost. Click here for Raindrop Cookie Recipes (see makemecakeme on facebook – raindrop cookies, shown right). Remind children/youth that as we listen to the prophet and follow their inspirations, we can be guided to do things that will bring us blessings. For every raindrop eaten, name a blessing that comes from following the prophet (found on the raindrops in the activity above).
Source ST.2014.Aug.3
Description: Have you ever felt that Heavenly Father keeps blessings instead of freely sharing them? In reality, He showers us with blessings constantly; it’s up to us to decide how to have them reach us.
• D&C 130:20-21 “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.”
See MORE about Line upon Line (HERE) ⇒ (for example):
Obedience to that law
“If you really want a certain blessing, you’d better find out what the laws are that govern that blessing and then work on becoming obedient to those laws.”
Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “The Mission and Ministry of the Savior: A Discussion with Elder Russell M. Nelson,” Ensign, June 2005, 19.
• May Lesson 1 “Why is it important to listen to and follow the living prophet?”
• June Lesson 5 “What does it mean to sustain my church leaders?”