POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. KEEPING THE SABBATH scavenger hunt or match game. Scavenger Hunt. Picture cards of sabbath day activities are hidden in the room. A clue is read and the youth race to find the matching picture (within 30 seconds). If not found, read the clue again until all cards are posted. Match Game. Two sets are placed and matched.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Children & Youth Goals, Sunday School, Bible Study
Keeping the Sabbath (Scavenger Hunt or Match Game)
OBJECTIVE: Help children/youth know the Sabbath day is a day of rest and worship and they can strengthen their families with these activities.

- Ahead of time, post one set of visuals around the room in plain sight.
- Tell the youth, “Our families can be strong as we keep the Sabbath day holy. Let’s have a Sabbath Day Scavenger Hunt to learn ways we can keep the Sabbath day holy.”
- Have youth compete in teams to determine the winner with the most cards found, or they can take turns. The leader will read a clue from the Scavenger Hunt clues, and the child chosen will have 30 seconds to find the card.
If they can’t find the card, the clue is reread to the other team, who has 30 seconds to find the card. Post the cards for one team on the left of the board and the cards for the other team on the right. Then award 1 point per card at the end. - After each posting, the youth can tell how the Sabbath day activity they found can help their family rest or worship.
- Ahead of time, post two sets of visuals on the board facedown.
- Tell the youth, “Our families can be strong as we keep the Sabbath day holy. Let’s play a match game to learn ways we can keep the Sabbath day holy.”
- Have the youth take turns turning two cards over to make a match. Once a match is found, add 2 points on the chalkboard for their team to determine winners.
- After each match is made, youth can tell how the Sabbath day activity they found can help their family rest or worship.
TO MAKE: Print, color, and cut out one set of cards and clues for the Scavenger Hunt and two sets of cards for the Match game. Laminate the cards and an entire poster to mount the cards on. Use double-stick tape to mount the cards on a poster or magnets to mount the cards on the board.
THOUGHT TREAT Home “Rest”-aurant Meals. Talk to the youth as you let them taste food that you might serve on Sunday at home. Talk about how it would be easy to go out to a restaurant on Sunday, but we are asked not to as it makes others work on the Sabbath. We need to prepare our food ahead the day before so even the mother or the home cook can REST. Talk about what needs to be done to prepare such food and how they might help.
Source ST.2014.8
• SEPTEMBER Lesson 5 “Why is it important to keep the Sabbath day holy?”