POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. LETTERS TO HEAVEN prayer mail. This PRAYER MAIL box can be placed in the youth’s room or in a classroom to send out prayer mail (on postcards with a LOVE stamp). They don’t need to sign their name as Heavenly Father knows what is in our hearts. Start by reviewing the four parts of prayer (open thank, ask, close). “Prayers are letters to heaven” written on the mailbox, they reach heaven every hour.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, Young Women, and Daily Scripture Devotionals
ACTIVITY: Letters to Heaven prayer mail
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
Objective: Help children and youth learn things they can say to communicate with Heavenly Father and teach them the four parts of prayer.
If time allows, youth can write their letter and return them to the mailbox. Or ask them to return the letters to class the next week to mail (in the Prayer Mailbox). They can write their names on the letters, but tell them Heavenly Father knows who the letters are from, just as He knows what is in our hearts.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out the prayer mailbox and a postcard/letter for each youth. Assemble the mailbox according to the instructions.

PART 1) Writing letters to Heavenly Father and posting them in the Prayer Mailbox, and
PART 2) Learn four parts of prayer (open, thank, ask, close). Details are in the pdf printout.
THOUGHT TREAT: Letter Cookies with Candy Stamps. Cut out rectangular-shaped sugar cookies and bake. Frost, then using a contrasting color of frosting in a tube write Prayer Mail on the front and glue (using frosting) a square mint candy on the upper right corner for the stamp, and frost a little red heart on mint. Place cookie in a zip-close bag and place in a mailbox for children/youth to find and eat. Talk about what you might say if you sent some prayer mail or message to Heavenly Father through Jesus (who delivers messages to Him).
• MAY Lesson 3 “How can I make my prayers more meaningful?”