MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE. ALMA 37:35 scripture poster/card set. Help youth memorize Alma 37:35 “O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.” The prophet Alma also told his son Helaman to “cry unto God for all” his support and “let all” his doings “be unto the Lord” (verse 36).
Alma 37:35 – COMMANDMENTS – PROPHETS: Living Prophets Teach Me to Choose the Right
Use for Primary and Home Lessons, Family Home Evening
8 pages (color/black-and-white visuals: 3 sizes for poster)
Objective: Help children/youth memorize Alma 37:35: “O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.”
To Make Print, color, and cut out the poster of your choice. If printing the larger size poster, mount the two parts on poster paper. The smaller cards are for the youth to take home.

Ways to Motivate Children/Youth to Memorize Scripture:
• Give out small black and white scripture cards to memorize.
• Once they are passed off give out the colored version of scripture cards.
Sing Primary SONG VISUALS:
• Choose the Right Way (CS, 160-61) shown
• Choose the Right (Hymnal, 239)
• Come Follow Me (Hymns, 116)
• I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus (CS, 78)
• Stand for the Right (CS, 159)