POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. ERASER PROMISES steps to repentance pencil & bookmark. Read D&C 58:42 “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.” Youth can learn six steps to achieve this: 1) Recognize I’ve done something wrong. 2. Promise not to do it again, and more leading up to forgiving themselves (eraser promises).
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Eraser Promises steps to repentance pencil & bookmark
ACTIVITY illustrates D&C 58:42 “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
Objective: Help children/youth learn the steps of repentance so they can erase the wrong by receiving forgiveness and making the right choices.

TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out the images and stories that follow in cardstock, and a bookmark for each child/youth. Place double-stick tape on the back of the pencil parts and eraser or use magnets to mount them on the board.
ACTIVITY: Tell the scripture story of Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 27:8, 10, 32, 34–35).
Part 1: Review repentance steps as you show parts 1-6 on the pencil (read D&C 58:42-43). Heavenly Father has promised us that if we repent, He will erase our sin(s) and He will “remember them no more.”
Part 2:
- Take the pencil apart, placing pieces around the board and leaving a space to reassemble the pencil.
- Tell Nathan’s story (see REPENTANCE STORY #1 on the story page – included with the patterns).
- Talk about the steps of repentance (found on the pencil, shown), telling how Nathan took the toys back to Carson and what he did to repent.
- Choose several children/youth to come up and put the pencil together to show the steps of repentance.
Part 3:
- Give each class teacher a repentance story (use REPENTANCE STORIES 2-7 on the following page). Each story talks about a wrong choice that requires repentance. If playing the game as a family, pair off in twos, placing a teen or adult with each child. Ask the children/youth in the group to decide what needs to be done to right the wrong and repent.
- Have children/youth tell the steps of repentance (found on the pencil) and what the characters in the stories should do to repent.
- Encourage children/youth to read stories in the scriptures where others repented and erased their sin.

BOOKMARK: Children/youth can enjoy this bookmark reminder of the 6 steps to repentance.
THOUGHT TREAT: Pencil-shaped Sugar Cookies. Cut out and form pencil shapes with rolled-out sugar cookie dough. Bake until lightly brown 8-10 minutes. Tell children/youth that they can pencil in their own ETERNAL LIFE story by making decisions to choose the right. Then they can pencil in their journal their righteous actions. Remember that all of our actions are recorded (penciled into our book of life) in heaven for us someday to review our story. What story will you right? If we make mistakes we need to look at the steps 1-6 on the pencil activity (above) to erase our sins and change our direction to stay on the strait and narrow path that leads us back to heaven. See talk and video Stay on the Path.
Source ST.2013.6
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out the images and stories that follow in cardstock, and a bookmark for each child/youth. Place double-stick tape on the back of the pencil parts and eraser or use magnets to mount them on the board.
ACTIVITY: Tell the scripture story of Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 27:8, 10, 32, 34–35).
Part 1: Review repentance steps as you show parts 1-6 on the pencil (read D&C 58:42-43). Heavenly Father has promised us that if we repent, He will erase our sin(s) and He will “remember them no more.”
Part 2:
- Take the pencil apart, placing pieces around the board and leaving a space to reassemble the pencil.
- Tell Nathan’s story (see REPENTANCE STORY #1 on the story page – included with the patterns).
- Talk about the steps of repentance (found on the pencil, shown), telling how Nathan took the toys back to Carson and what he did to repent.
- Choose several children/youth to come up and put the pencil together to show the steps of repentance.
Part 3:
- Give each class teacher a repentance story (use REPENTANCE STORIES 2-7 on the following page). Each story talks about a wrong choice that requires repentance. If playing the game as a family, pair off in twos, placing a teen or adult with each child. Ask the children/youth in the group to decide what needs to be done to right the wrong and repent.
- Have children/youth tell the steps of repentance (found on the pencil) and what the characters in the stories should do to repent.
- Encourage children/youth to read stories in the scriptures where others repented and erased their sin.

BOOKMARK: Children/youth can enjoy this bookmark reminder of the 6 steps to repentance.
THOUGHT TREAT: Pencil-shaped Sugar Cookies. Cut out and form pencil shapes with rolled-out sugar cookie dough. Bake until lightly brown 8-10 minutes. Tell children/youth that they can pencil in their own ETERNAL LIFE story by making decisions to choose the right. Then they can pencil in their journal their righteous actions. Remember that all of our actions are recorded (penciled into our book of life) in heaven for us someday to review our story. What story will you right? If we make mistakes we need to look at the steps 1-6 on the pencil activity (above) to erase our sins and change our direction to stay on the strait and narrow path that leads us back to heaven. See talk and video Stay on the Path.
Source ST.2013.6
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out the images and stories that follow in cardstock, and a bookmark for each child/youth. Place double-stick tape on the back of the pencil parts and eraser or use magnets to mount them on the board.
ACTIVITY: Tell the scripture story of Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 27:8, 10, 32, 34–35).
Part 1: Review repentance steps as you show parts 1-6 on the pencil (read D&C 58:42-43). Heavenly Father has promised us that if we repent, He will erase our sin(s) and He will “remember them no more.”
Part 2:
- Take the pencil apart, placing pieces around the board and leaving a space to reassemble the pencil.
- Tell Nathan’s story (see REPENTANCE STORY #1 on the story page – included with the patterns).
- Talk about the steps of repentance (found on the pencil, shown), telling how Nathan took the toys back to Carson and what he did to repent.
- Choose several children/youth to come up and put the pencil together to show the steps of repentance.
Part 3:
- Give each class teacher a repentance story (use REPENTANCE STORIES 2-7 on the following page). Each story talks about a wrong choice that requires repentance. If playing the game as a family, pair off in twos, placing a teen or adult with each child. Ask the children/youth in the group to decide what needs to be done to right the wrong and repent.
- Have children/youth tell the steps of repentance (found on the pencil) and what the characters in the stories should do to repent.
- Encourage children/youth to read stories in the scriptures where others repented and erased their sin.

BOOKMARK: Children/youth can enjoy this bookmark reminder of the 6 steps to repentance.
THOUGHT TREAT: Pencil-shaped Sugar Cookies. Cut out and form pencil shapes with rolled-out sugar cookie dough. Bake until lightly brown 8-10 minutes. Tell children/youth that they can pencil in their own ETERNAL LIFE story by making decisions to choose the right. Then they can pencil in their journal their righteous actions. Remember that all of our actions are recorded (penciled into our book of life) in heaven for us someday to review our story. What story will you right? If we make mistakes we need to look at the steps 1-6 on the pencil activity (above) to erase our sins and change our direction to stay on the strait and narrow path that leads us back to heaven. See talk and video Stay on the Path.
Source ST.2013.6
• MARCH Lesson 3 “How can repentance help me every day?”