POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN BE A MISSIONARY NOW! Gospel Standards Game. Jesus Christ taught by example. Youth can learn from these the standards of the His gospel they too can teach by example. Here they can draw cards and tell how living this GOSPEL STANDARD can help them be a missionary to friends, family, and neighbors.
Great for COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Bible Study, and Daily Scripture Devotionals
I Can Be a Missionary Now – Gospel Standards Game
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
Objective: Help children learn how living each gospel standard can help them be a missionary now.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color (or print in color), and cut out the images that follow. Use tape or magnets to mount the visuals.

ACTIVITY: The following activity is based on My Gospel Standards; however, you can add to and enhance it for youth by adding some of the For the Strength of Youth standards.
(1) Talk to children/youth about the importance of being a missionary now, not waiting until they are called on a mission. For children/youth: Tell them they can serve a mission when they are old enough, but for now, they can be a missionary by living the gospel standards known as “My Gospel Standards” (see below*) and the youth: “For the Strength of Youth” standards.
(2) Have children/youth take turns drawing a card and reading the gospel standard aloud. Then tell how living this gospel standard can help them be a missionary to their friends, family, and neighbors.
(3) As a review, cut slips of white paper to cover all of the words on the cards. Then have children/youth see if they can name the gospel standard that matches the picture on the card.
THOUGHT TREAT: Missionary Prep-Night Munchies. The TREAT IDEA (below) can be done for a children’s/Primary activity.
The following activity is for YOUTH ONLY: Plan a night where youth can go out to different ward-Church-member homes and practice being a missionary giving discussions according to the missionary guidelines with the local missionaries. After having a munch and mingle activity where you share fun treats related to missionary work.
TREAT IDEA: Cupcakes that have success ideas for being a missionary written on word strips and wrapped in foil and stuffed inside cupcakes or placed in batter before baking. As guests eat their cupcakes they can share the missionary tip found inside their cupcakes. Or you could do the same with balloons taped to their chair.
I will follow Heavenly Father’s plan for me.
I will remember my baptismal covenant and listen to the Holy Ghost.
I will choose the right. I know I can repent when I make a mistake.
I will be honest with Heavenly Father, others, and myself.
I will use the names of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ reverently. I will not swear or use crude words.
I will do those things on the Sabbath that will help me feel close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
I will honor my parents and do my part to strengthen my family.
I will keep my mind and body sacred and pure, and I will not partake of things that are harmful to me.
I will dress modestly to show respect for Heavenly Father and myself.
I will only read and watch things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father.
I will only listen to music that is pleasing to Heavenly Father.
I will seek good friends and treat others kindly.
I will live now to be worthy to go to the temple and do my part to have an eternal family.
I Am a Child of God
I know Heavenly Father loves me, and I love Him.
I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere.
I am trying to remember and follow Jesus Christ.