POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. INVITE ALL TO COME UNTO CHRIST build a missionary puzzle. Youth can focus on these eight ways to prepare to help others “Come unto Christ.” They can even compete to find puzzle pieces and be the first to find scripture on the subject. Use your imagination to build your team’s missionary puzzle (girls against boys), etc.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days
Invite Others to Come unto Christ (Build-a-Missionary Puzzle)
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children.
OBJECTIVE. Help children/youth prepare to serve missions and increase their desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone. Focus on these eight ways to prepare.

TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color (or print in color) and cut out the images shown that follow. Laminate and cut out.
1. Tell children/youth that the mission of Jesus Christ’s church is to invite everyone to come unto Christ—to share the gospel with them.
2. Have children/youth sing, “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission” (Children’s Songbook, p. 169) as you pass out puzzle pieces to children, e.g., one or two per class.
3. Ask children/youth to think about how the action found on the puzzle piece will help them prepare to serve a mission or help others come unto Christ.
• Know the Scriptures
• Pay Tithing
• Be a Friend
• Serve Others
• Be an Example
• Learn to Work
• Be Happy
4. Have class members take turns bringing up the puzzle parts one at a time to build the puzzles. You can have them start with the head, having both representatives tell their thoughts about why this would build a good missionary. Or you can start anywhere, moving the puzzle pieces around to fit with the boy puzzle on the left and the girl puzzle on the right.
THOUGHT TREAT: Missionary Prep CRUNCH TREATS. Tell children/youth that we need to crunch down on getting ready for a mission now, because when it is “Crunch Time” (critical point) when it is time to go on a mission we don’t want to rush around trying to get ready. When you go on a mission you may be in “crunch” situations where you have to process large amounts of information or perform great and complex discussions. As you enjoy the CRUNCH TREATS, talk about these “crunch” times they must prepare for. ENJOY CRUNCH TREATS: Candy bars with granola or nuts or rice cereal (Rice Krispies) or celery or apples you can crunch your teeth into. While you eat, talk about the things on the puzzle and how we can do those things now–so we are ready when crunch time comes around.
Source ST.2015.10
• DECEMBER Lesson 7 “How can I participate in hastening the Lord’s work?”
Thank you for the cute idea