POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BECAUSE OF THE RESTORATION Quiz match game. Help youth learn the parts of the gospel that were taken from the earth and restored in the Latter-days. The quiz cards are in two parts to match, e.g., (part 1) “Because of the Restoration the Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery …(part 2) … The power and authority to be baptized are once again on the earth.”

$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), Sunday School, Seminary

USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study

Because of the Restoration quiz match game

OBJECTIVE: (see above)

Help youth bear testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. They can prepare to bear testimony by pondering the statements that follow. Each statement begins, “Because of the Restoration . . .” then names a certain part of the gospel that blesses us today.

$3.50 RESTORATION: Restoration Quiz / Match Game preview STORE, Primary Sharing Time, Come Follow Me May Lesson 1 "Why Was the Restoration Necessary?"
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


Tell the youth, “When Jesus Christ was on the earth, He chose 12 Apostles and established His Church. Jesus died and was resurrected, eventually returning to heaven. After the Apostles died, there was a great Apostasy when many of the people stopped believing in Jesus. Because of the Apostasy, Heavenly Father withdrew priesthood authority and other important parts of the Church from the earth. This time was called the “Dark Ages.”

  1. Tell youth, “When Joseph Smith followed God and restored the Church of Jesus Christ, the priesthood and other important parts of the gospel were brought back (D&C 20:8-12). Jesus said the restored gospel would be like a light in the darkness (read D&C 45:28).”
  2. Get ready to show matched cards. Tell youth, “Because of the restoration of the gospel, we enjoy special blessings today. Let’s find out which things were restored and the blessings they bring.” Summarize them as follows, “We have (holding up matched cards): the Book of Mormon, baptism, a living prophet, the Melchizedek Priesthood, the plan of salvation, an understanding of the Godhead, forever families, missionaries, the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Word of Wisdom, tithing, and family home evening.”
  3. Read a complete sample card, e.g., (show part one) “Because of the Restoration . . . the Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith through the power of God.” Then (show part two) “. . . We now have a sacred record that contains the fulness of the gospel and is another testament of Jesus Christ.”
$3.50 POST-AND-PRESENT Activity for Come Follow Me – Primary and Home (family home evening), Sunday School, Seminary
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Quiz / Match Game: 

1. Divide youth into two teams.

2. Mix up the cards and tape them facedown on the board.

3. Have teams take turns having a player come up and turn two cards over to make a match. Once a match is made, read the cards aloud and post on board faceup.

If time allows: Go back and have children/youth state their own second part of the card conclusions. For example, for “Because of the Restoration . . . the Book of Mormon was translated,” they can add, “Otherwise we wouldn’t have the account of Jesus visiting the Nephites,” “Otherwise we wouldn’t know about the testimonies of Nephi, Alma, or King Benjamin,” or “Otherwise we wouldn’t have such powerful scriptures that bring all who read them to Jesus Christ.”

TO MAKE Print, the “Because of the Restoration” match cards (one set). Color and cut out, cutting down the middle wavy line. Laminate.

MUTUAL NIGHT, SUNDAY SCHOOL, SEMINARY, FAMILY NIGHT ACTIVITIESMutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities,


THOUGHT TREAT: FRESH-IS-BEST Gospel Treats – Dehydrated Plus Fresh Fruit and Veggie Cups. Pack a muffin tin–full healthy snacks like dried fruit and veggies plus fresh.

Thought: Talk about how dried food can be refreshed by soaking them in water. Restoring the gospel principles might be compared to something that has been left to dry and the color and moisture leaves. Then one comes along and adds water. Joseph Smith added life to the gospel by first asking which church is true. Jesus said none of them (see First Vision). Then he was led to restoring the true gospel of Jesus Christ by first unburying the plates and translating them into the Book of Mormon. He added life-giving waters or Another Testament of Jesus Christ found in the book. From there the gospel was restored to its freshness (similar to the rehydration of the fruit).

PIONEER PORTRAIT. Ask youth to bring a pioneer story they can portray and paint a portrait of them in a rough sketch; this is where artistic talent is not necessary. Just what comes to mind about their story. If they have a photo; bring it. Then share stories from the past of those who have made a difference who has the pioneer spirit. Many of them planted seeds for the food they would never eat so others could benefit; leaving a legacy of love. Post the portraits and take photos of the artist as they tell their story special story about their ancestors or pioneer.


APRIL Lesson 1 “Why was the restoration necessary?” 

$3.50 RESTORATION: Restoration Quiz / Match Game preview STORE, Primary Sharing Time, Come Follow Me May Lesson 1 "Why Was the Restoration Necessary?"

More Learning Activities:


• We believe in Jesus Christ’s Church – Articles of Faith 1:6 scripture poster  – “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.”


• An Angel Came to Joseph Smith (CS, 86)

 Praise to the Man (Hymns, 27) 

Source ST.2015.4

Apostasy and Restoration: Lesson Activity: Because of the Restoration Quiz, Come, Follow Me: Why was the restoration necessary?

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