POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. BAPTISMAL COVENANT Concentration. Children learn ways to keep their covenants, serve others and keep the commandments with this game. They turn quilt puzzle pieces over to make a match, read the message, e.g, “I will be kind to others”, and soon reveal the words that reveal God’s blessings like pouring out His Spirit and granting eternal life.
GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH – Come Follow Me Lessons for: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Baptismal Covenant Concentration
Youth can teach this lesson to children.
Objective: To help children learn ways they can keep their baptismal covenants, serve others and keep the commandments. This way they will obtain two rewards revealed in the picture behind the puzzle. Rewards: “he will pour out his Spirit more abundantly” . . . and “grant unto you eternal life” (Mosiah 18:10, 13).

- Color and cut out heart puzzle pieces, Jesus and children picture, and word-strips that follow.
- Glue the Jesus and children heart pieces to a poster board and laminate or cover with clear contact paper. This way puzzle pieces that are taped will not tear the picture below.
- Glue a word-strip on the back of each numbered puzzle piece, then laminate and cut out puzzle pieces.
- To set up, place double-stick tape on the back of each puzzle piece (or use magnets to mount pieces onto the poster/and chalkboard).
- Mount heart poster in the center of the board and place heart puzzle pieces over the picture.
Introduce Game.
Tell children that when we make our baptismal covenant we take upon us the name of Jesus Christ. This means that we will do what Jesus would do. Let’s search for puzzle pieces that show how we can serve Him and keep His commandments. Let’s uncover the puzzle to find our reward for keeping our baptismal covenant.
- Divide children into two teams.
- Teams take turns turning two heart pieces over to find a set of words that match. Behind each puzzle piece, you will find ways we can keep our baptismal covenant. The same words, e.g. “I will be kind to others” will be found behind two different numbers.
- When you find two that match, you can read the words aloud and take down the puzzle pieces to reveal the image and words behind the puzzle.
- The first team to guess the two rewards found on the picture wins! Or, the team with the most matches wins when the time is up. Team members must be reverent and raise their hand to reveal the rewards.
THOUGHT TREAT: SOFT-HEART Cookie. Melt in a microwave marshmallows soft enough to cut the bottom (to make sticky) and then stick to the center of a cookie. Tell children that every time they think of their baptismal covenants it should make your heart beat (push fingers into the soft marshmallow) knowing how happy you are that you know the road back to Heavenly Father and Jesus.
MORE IDEAS: Tell them that the baptism promises that they make at baptism must be heartfelt on both sides. We love heavenly father and promise to keep His commandments, and He, in turn, loves us and promises to bless us. You can illustrate this on a piece of paper cut into a heart shape, folded in half with our promises on the left and heavenly father’s promised blessings on the other half right side.
Source ST.2013.5
USE THIS ACTIVITY FOR Primary Sharing Time or Family Home Evening