POST-AND-PRESENT. STEPS TO PRAYER puzzle brainstorm. Youth can become close to God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ as they follow these steps by saying, “Our Heavenly Father.” Then, thank Him for their blessings and ask Him for blessings. Then, close the prayer by saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” As they say “Thee,” “Thou,” “Thy,” and “Thine.”
Great for COME FOLLOW ME Primary and Home, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, and Daily Scripture Devotionals
Steps to Prayer–Puzzle and Brainstorm
YOUTH can teach this lesson to children or to other youth, or teach in Family Home Evening.
Objective: Help children/youth learn the steps of prayer and how our love for Jesus and Heavenly Father grows as we pray.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out, and laminate the puzzle pieces that follow. Also, copy and cut out enough hearts and circles to use in #3 that follows.

1. Talk about the objective above and read D&C 19:38: “Pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing . . .”
2. Put the puzzle together: Give four children/youth the puzzle pieces to come up and post one at a time as you discuss the following about each piece: A Simple Prayer Can Follow Four Basic (as shown on the prayer chart above) . . .
(1) Jesus taught us that we should pray to Our Father in Heaven. We begin by addressing Him, “Our Heavenly Father.”
(2) We need to Thank Him for blessings for what our Father has given to us. All that we have comes from Him. We should be specific in thanking Him for our blessings.
(3) We can Ask Him for blessings according to our needs. (Read and discuss 3 Nephi 18:20.)
(4) Close the prayer “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
3. Have a brainstorm: Give each class/group one or two circles and hearts (blessings to thank Him for/blessings to ask Him for). Give them time to get together and decide upon blessings and draw pictures of them. Then have selected class members come up one at a time to tell about and post their classes’ hearts by the “Thank Him for blessings” puzzle piece and circles by the “Ask Him for blessings” puzzle piece.
TESTIMONY SHARING: Ask children/youth to share their testimony on the following: Ideas: How can I make my prayers more meaningful? Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. When we pray, we should tell Heavenly Father what we feel in our hearts. We should not repeat meaningless words or phrases. Through sincere, heartfelt prayer, we can feel the nearness of our Heavenly Father.
THOUGHT TREAT: Painted-Prayer Sugar Cookies. Have children/youth paint their prayer thoughts onto cookies. Make large round sugar cookies by cutting out dough with wide Mason jar lids. Paint cookies with cookie paints (2-3 drops food coloring into 1-2 tablespoons canned milk-for each color). Designs to paint with paint brushes: anything you are thankful for or would like to ask Heavenly Father for. Then bake according to directions. Option to painted cookies: Frost cookies and use frosting in a tube to draw prayer thought-images onto the frosting.
Source ST.2015.9