POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. FOLLOW THE LATTER-DAY PROPHETS puzzle match. Youth can learn that Heavenly Father has prophets in these latter-days to help Jesus Christ’s Church grow strong and be preached to all nations. This activity tells what different prophets have said to guide us, e.g, George Albert Smith taught the members to “be a friend to the friendless.”
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Follow the Latter-Day Prophets puzzle match
Older youth can teach this lesson to children or youth or in family home evening or seminary.
Objective: Activity shows different statements latter-day prophets have made telling us ways we can serve and build up the kingdom of God upon the earth.

Help youth learn that Heavenly Father has appointed prophets in these latter-days to help the Church grow strong so that the gospel can be preached to all nations of the world and we can be ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Each prophet had a special message for which he was known for saying. The activity tells of their messages.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out the 16 ponder puzzles on cardstock paper.
PROPHET’S SPEAK SHOW-AND-TELL: Show youth books and magazines and say, “God speaks to us through prophets to help us. We learn the words of the prophet through the scriptures, Church magazines and in General Conference.” Explain:
• The ANCIENT PROPHET’S words are in the Bible and Book of Mormon, and the Pearl of Great Price. Here we read the words of Moses, Noah, Abraham, Nephi, King Benjamin, Alma, Mormon, Moroni, and more.
• The MODERN DAY / LATTER-DAY PROPHET’S words began with the Prophet Joseph Smith found in the Doctrine and Covenants and the Articles of Faith(found in the Pearl of Great Price). Now we read other latter-day prophet’s words in the Church magazines like the Ensign, The Era, and the Friend, and we can hear them at General Conference.
• Ancient and latter-day prophets all tell us what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to know and how we can help build up the kingdom of God on the earth today.
LATTER-DAY PROPHETS – REVIEW. Tape the 16 completed individual puzzles on the board in correct order, showing the prophets from left to right. Say, “These are latter-day prophets and these are their words to us today. Let’s quickly learn what each has said to us. Then we can take them apart and put back together again.”
- Take the prophet puzzles apart and mix-them-up. Place them on the lower half of the board or the prophets on the left and what they taught about on the right (using magnets or tape). Note: If using tape, laminate poster boards and puzzle pieces (ahead of time) and mount on posters with double-stick tape.
- Have youth take turns making turning two cards over. If a match is they use tape or a magnet to place them faceup in the center of the board. If not, they return cards exactly where they found them.
- As youth build the puzzle, ask questions to ensure that they understand the contribution or counsels of each prophet.
THOUGHT TREAT: Prophet’s Words – Cookie Match. Help youth memorize the prophet’s words with this food-fun-activity. For each prophet found on the above activity, frost two square cookies to match. Then have children/youth using frosting in a tube: (1) Write the prophet’s initials on one cookie and (2) draw a symbol or image to represent what they were famous for saying on the other. Then mix them up and match them up before eating.
• SEPTEMBER Week 2 “Prophets and apostles show us how to serve others.”
Presenting Activity to Young Women or Young Men
USE IN FEBRUARY AND MAY: May: “Prophets and Revelation” June: “Priesthood and Priesthood Keys” |
Source ST.2015.5
I wanted to know if I can buy the Two Prophets that I don’t have which is Thomas S. Monson and Russell M. Nelson that were not in the Fun in a Flash! Gospel Activities at that time which was on page 165 and 166. I would like to buy these two and be able to Print them for this Sunday. Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
Thank You Phyllis Kinser.
Yes, we can get these to you. They are available.