POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. STAND IN HOLY PLACES: My Gospel Standards review and doorknob sign. Youth can look forward as they say, “I’m Going to the Temple Someday.” By reviewing My Gospel Standards written on the door sign they learn special promises. Then they can sign their name next to the promise to “prepare to go to the temple.” READ MORE
For: Children and Youth, Come Follow Me lessons for Church and Home, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Seminary, and Bible Study
My Gospel Standards Review & doorknob sign)

Youth can present this activity to children or other youth.
OBJECTIVE: Help children review My Gospel Standards (see bookmark shown above, included in the pdf). Or, for teens use the For the Strength of Youth standards to prepare for the temple, to “stand in holy places” and enter the temple to do sacred work.
TO MAKE Print, color (or print in color), and cut out the images that follow:
1. Temple Poster. Print in color or print and color, and cut out and laminate the temple, temple grounds, and I’m Going to the Temple Someday sign. Post on a large poster or laminate poster after background is posted.
2. Girl or Boy for Each Child. Print and create a boy or girl image for each child/youth to post. They can write their name on the line before posting, or you can give these to the teachers as children arrive to write their names before the presentation.
3. Doorknob Sign. Print and create the “My Gospel Standards help me prepare to go to the temple” doorknob sign for each child/youth. This can be given during the activity.
1. Tell children/youth that if they live the Gospel Standards (or the For the Strength of Youth standards — for youth) they can be worthy to stand in holy places and attend the temple someday. They can see the beauty inside and feel the peace therein. They can go there to learn of Heavenly Father’s plan for them and to feel the Holy Spirit. They can go there for special guidance and direction as they do the sacred work that is needed there. They can be baptized and do endowment and sealings there for those who have passed on and did not perform the work for themselves.
2. Have children/youth come up as a class and say “I love to see the temple, I’m going there someday,” and post their image on the poster with double-stick tape. Tell them that by doing this, they are making a commitment to live the Gospel Standards and prepare for the temple.
WEEKLY REVIEW: Have one or two children/youth each week come up and tell how they have been living a certain Gospel Standard. Read the gospel standard and have them tell of their experiences. They can find their image (girl or boy previously posted with their name on it) on the poster to hold, saying, “I will live the Gospel Standards so I can stand in holy places.” Then return their image to the poster.
GOSPEL STANDARDS HANDOUT: Review the Gospel Standards by giving each child a Gospel Standards doorknob sign. Have children take turns reading them aloud. Encourage children to post on their doorknob at home as a reminder.
Ask youth to share their testimony on the following. Ideas: Why are temple ordinances important? Temple ordinances lead to the greatest blessings available to Heavenly Father’s children. These ordinances prepare us to live forever with Heavenly Father and our families after this life. They bless us with spiritual power and direction during mortality. In the temple, we can also receive essential ordinances in behalf of ancestors who died without having the opportunity to receive these ordinances for themselves.
THOUGHT TREAT: “Yellow-Brick-Road” Cookie Path to the Temple. Purchase vanilla wafer cookies (see below) to place on a table (table cloth under cookies). Place them like a path leading to a picture of the temple. Have child
ren/youth collect a cookie (yellow-brick) to eat after posting them “I will prepare to go to the temple” image for the activity above. Talk about how My GospelStandards are like the bricks on the Yellow Brick Road (similar to The Wizard of Oz story/movie), only leading them to the temple where eternal blessings and happiness reside. WAFER COOKIES (at Walmart):
Source ST.2002.1
*More Learning Activities on Preparing for the Temple:
Ask, “Why do we love to see the temple?” Answer the question, using the scriptures, Primary lessons, and sources below to teach.
• The temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty. I can feel the Holy Spirit there (D&C 109:12-20; Primary 1, lesson 26.
• I’ll go inside someday to perform sacred ordinances that will prepare me to live with Heavenly Father again. I will make covenants and receive my endowment. (Mosiah 5:5, LDS Temples, 14-19; Primary 5, lesson 35; “Temple” in the Bible Dictionary).
• I will prepare myself while I am young to go to the temple. I must have a recommend to enter a dedicated temple (Alma 37:35; “My Gospel Standards”; Primary 3, lesson 3).
• See Young Women (below) for more lesson/scripture ideas.
• Temples Seal Families Forever – Matthew 18:18 SCRIPTURE POSTER
• I Love to See the Temple (CS, 95) shown
• Families Can Be Together Forever (CS, 188)
• The Lord Gave Me a Temple(CS, 153)
Present “Ordinances and Covenants”
Lesson: Why are temple ordinances important?