YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. KEEP MY SPIRITUAL BOAT AFLOAT game. Youth can learn these ways by reading scriptures and traveling around the game board (time after time) with the goal to get through troubled waters. Landing on SUNKEN SHIP, LIFESAVER, or ANCHOR they draw a matching scripture card to learn how to sail safely. The first team to find the scripture (reading it) earns 30 points 100-200 to win and say “I’m Sailing!”
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, or Youth, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Seminary
Keep Spiritual Boat Afloat game
Description of Lesson Activity: With this game, youth search the scriptures to find ways they can overcome trials, gain strength and self-esteem through keeping their covenants through righteous living. This game will help players learn they can sail through troubled waters by living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Share Quote:
“Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it–but sail we must, and not drift, or lie at anchor.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

I’m Sailing! I Will Keep My Spiritual Boat Afloat! GAME RULES:
1. Provide a copy of the standard works for each player or for every two players.
2. Turn SUNKEN SHIP, LIFESAVER, and ANCHOR scripture cards faceup in separate piles on the table or floor.
3. Divide into two teams with a boat marker for each team at the START position.
4. Teams take turns rolling a dice and moving 1-6 spaces on the board.
5. When a player lands on a SUNKEN SHIP, LIFESAVER, or ANCHOR, he/she draws a matching scripture card. The player reads the scripture aloud and identifies a keyword or words telling how to keep our spiritual boat afloat (to avoid sinking). If players agree on the keyword, that team earns 10 points.
6. When a player lands on CALM SEA or RAPID WAVES, both teams can rush to find a scripture that describes a CALM SEA (righteousness) or RAPID WAVES (wickedness). The first team to find their scripture earns 30 points, and one of their players reads the scripture aloud.
7. Players keep moving around the board until the first team earns 100-200 points.
TO MAKE: Print and cut out images and game rules (above). Mount game board on a poster. Mount game markers on cardstock. Make copies of game rules and cut out. Cut out word-strips and place in a plastic bag.
CHART YOUR COURSE – SAIL SAFELY: The Prophet, Thomas S. Monson wrote, “The sea of life can at times become turbulent. Crashing waves of emotional conflict may break all around us. Chart your course, be cautious, and follow the safety measures outlined: (1) Choose good friends. (2) Seek parental guidance. (3) Study the gospel. (4) Obey the commandments. (5) Serve with love. (6) Pray with purpose. In so doing, we will sail safely the seas of life and arrive at home port—even the celestial kingdom of God.” – Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, May 1998, “In Harms Way”
TURN LIVES OVER TO GOD: Talk about sailing toward eternal life by following the Prophet Ezra Taft Benson: “Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, rise up friends and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life.” Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, 1998 – New Era MAY 1975 Jesus Christ—Gifts and Expectations
VIDEO: See how Jesus’ disciples sought His help to save them. Show the first few minutes of this Church video – (“Peace Be Still” – 0.33-2.20): “Finding Faith in Christ” to show Jesus calming the sea. (from
HELP OTHERS SAIL: Discuss how you feel when you are welcomed and loved and others care for you. Have youth write ways they can boost others’ spirits, build them up, fellowship them, and promote self-worth. They can share ways others have done this for them in the past and what they can do in the future.
TALK DISCUSSION: Stay in the Boat and Hold On! By Elder M. Russell Ballard Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Source: YW 1.43
• FEBRUARY Lesson 5 “Why do we have adversity?”
• JULY Lesson 2 “Why are covenant important in my life?”
• NOVEMBER Lesson 7 “How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?”