USE FOR: Family Home Evening, Young Women, or Children and Youth Goals
MOTIVATIONAL – Family Home Evening Chart
We’re Just Nuts About Family Home Evening!
OBJECTIVE: Create a chart to help your family remember family home evening, and to assign responsibilities to family members. A great time to have family home evening is Sunday or Monday night. Having family home evening is a great way to keep the Sabbath day holy.
You will find over 250 family home evenings right here on Go to the A-Z Index and look for Post-and-Present or Lesson Lifesaver activities (all with lesson ideas).

1. Print activity in color or black and white.
2. Cut out elephant and peanuts.
3. Write the name of each family member on a peanut. If you have a small family make two each, as you may have them do double duty (responsibilities) placing their name on the chart more places than one. If you have extended family that visit often, make a NAME PEANUT MARKER for them.
4. Mount the elephant in the center of a poster and laminate the entire poster.
5. Laminate the NAME PEANUT MARKERS and cut out.
1. DISPLAY the chart on a magnet board or refrigerator.
2. ASSIGN FHE. Assign family their responsibilities for family home evening: Prayer (two peanut names for opening and closing prayers), Conducting, Scripture, Music, Activity or Lesson, and Treat.
3. NEVER FORGET FHE. Talk about how elephants never forget. They remember paths they once took so they can take them again, called the elephant walk (see Baby Elephant Walk music below*).
4. DO THE WALK. Talk about how important it is that each family member to do the walk, not just talk the talk (saying they will do assignments and not follow through). Say, “We can all help by doing our assignments for family home evening. Without someone to conduct, say a prayer, read a scripture, lead the music, give a lesson or lead an activity, and do a treat, there will be something missing.”
5. MISSING ELEPHANT. If someone is not there for family home evening, the family member will be missed. If they can’t make it for some reason, they can ask another family member to take over their responsibility.
*1. Play the music to the Baby Elephant Walk as family enters into family home evening.
2. Play the music as you walk like an elephant, marching into the kitchen for your . . .
THOUGHT TREAT: Eating an Entire Elephant Cookie (one bite at a time) & Peanuts.
1. Make sugar cookies or peanut butter cookies in the shape of an elephant (click here to see elephant shapes you could easily cut with a knife or purchase cookie cutters). Frost the cookie with licorice frosting by adding licorice flavoring to vanilla frosting and by mixing several colors together to make a grey frosting.
2. Serve peanuts, an elephant’s favorite treat.
TALK ABOUT ELEPHANTS: Talk about long term goals and short-term goals and that you can, as the saying goes, “Eat an entire elephant if you take it a bite at a time.” Of course, you would not eat an elephant, but this refers to taking small steps to do something big. Have an activity about goal setting (or talk about the steps one should take to do the family home evening responsibilities).
You can DOWNLOAD hundreds of family home evening activities from SEE OUR FAMILY HOME EVENING PAGE (HERE)
• SEPTEMBER Lesson 5 “Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy?”