YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. LAW OF CONSECRATION checkbook. Youth can learn to live the Law of Consecration with this checkbook to write in ways to give of your TIME, TALENTS, and MEANS to build up the kingdom of God on the earth.
For CHURCH & HOME Primary, Sunday School, scripture study, and COME FOLLOW ME
SERVICE: Law of Consecration Checkbook
(time, talents, means)
OBJECTIVE: To encourage youth to willingly share their time, talents, and means to help build up the kingdom of God on the earth.
ACTIVITY: This checkbook helps youth learn about the law of consecration, to give of your time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God on the earth.
Youth can fill in the date and name of the person they are giving the checkbook to, e.g., Mom or Dad. On the “For” line they write what service they did (giving of their time, talents, or means). They can report past experiences.

Law of Consecration Checkbook
• TIME: Visit the lonely, cheer someone who is sad, read to a brother or sister, sweep the floor, play with the baby, listen to someone, or babysit so parents can attend the temple.
• TALENTS: Play the piano, paint a picture, help Mother lift or move heavy things, help make a quilt for someone in need, bake something for dinner, sing baby sister to sleep.
• MEANS: Giving of tithing, fast offering, missionary fund, or food and clothing (or toys) to the needy.
TO MAKE: Print or copy and color and cut out the visuals for each youth on cardstock paper. Then, staple the CONSECRATION CHECKBOOK together as shown.
THOUGHT TREAT: Double-Share Treats. Share a treat with youth and provide enough for each to share with someone in need.
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children search-and-ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. Print this 5 x 7 card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
Doctrine and Covenants
D&C 42:38
“For inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these, ye do it unto me.”
LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):
FOR DETAILS ON THE LAW OF CONSECRATION GO HERE that explains the following (goal to serve God):
- The Lord revealed the law of consecration to the Saints.
- The law of consecration is an eternal law.
- We can consecrate our lives to the Lord now. Present a lesson on how The Lord Reveals the Law of Consecration (D&C 42:30-39, 42, 53-55, 77-73). Talk about ways children can share with each other their TIME, TALENTS, and MEANS to build up the kingdom of God on the earth.
MORE IDEAS. There are many ways we can share with others, even if we do not have much money or many possessions. On the coupon book activity (above) or on a paper list the following:
• TIME: Supporting parents in their Church callings, babysitting while their parents attend the temple, working on a Church welfare project, and visiting someone who is lonely.
• TALENTS: Speaking in Primary or sacrament meeting, playing a musical instrument or singing in Primary or sacrament meeting, and making decorations for a Church activity
• MEANS: Tithing, fast offerings, missionary fund donations and food and clothing given to the poor