$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home, family home evening lessons

USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study


Celestial Life with Heavenly Father and Jesus

OBJECTIVE: To give youth a better understanding of the three degrees of glory and to strengthen their desire to return to Heavenly Father with their families.

ACTIVITY: Connected Kingdoms

Help youth choose to live again with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the celestial kingdom by comparing the three possible kingdoms-places they could live after this earth life. Youth can share this teaching with friends.

$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home, family home evening lessons
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1. Print or copy the kingdom visuals and descriptions on cardstock paper for each youth. Color and cut out, cutting inside borderlines on words and outside image lines.
2. Glue kingdom descriptions on the back of the matching kingdom.
3. Place a metal or button brad through holes to attach the moon and stars to the sun. To make button brad, sew two (two-hole) buttons together on opposite sides, threading thread through the same hole to attach kingdom pieces.

THOUGHT TREAT: Celestial Soda. Print the “I’m Heaven-sent and Heaven-bound” straw decoration and note card for each child. Punch the straw decoration and insert into the straw. Give children the “As we sip this ‘Celestial Soda’ … ” note card to read as you sip the soda or drink provided, talking about living with our families forever.

SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.

$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me - Primary and Home, family home evening lessons
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• Present Lesson 23 – Primary 5 Manual – Doctrine and Covenants-Church History: The Prophet Receives a Vision of the Three Degrees of GloryReview Attention Activity and Suggested Family Sharing in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.

COME FOLLOW ME – New Testament Lesson 9 “He Taught Them as One Having Authority” (I can seek eternal treasures instead of earthly. I should set my heart upon heavenly things.) ⇒ 

Scripture Posters: Bite-size Memorize Scripture Posters and Cards, standard works, LDS, Primary, gospelgrabbag.com

• Moses 1:39 . . . Read More 

 Articles of Faith 1:9 . . . Read More

Banner: Singing Helps, Primary Sharing TIme, Singing Fun, music leader, gospelgrabbag.com

$3.00 Primary Music - Singing Motivators: Celestial Singers singing meter - instant download printablesDOWNLOAD SONG VISUALS AND ACTIVITIES:

 I Lived in Heaven . . . Read More (CS, 4)

• I Will Follow God’s Plan . . . Read More (CS, 164)

• My Heavenly Father Loves Me . . . Read More (CS, 228)

• Celestial Singers . . . Read More sun/moon/stars singing meter & singer award (shown right)

PLAN OF SALVATION – Activity: Connected Kingdoms, Doctrine and Covenants Primary Lesson 23: The Prophet Receives a Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory

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