POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN SPREAD THE GOSPEL Missionary Mystery kite maze. Youth can soar high as they stretch their missionary talents. Display 10 kites showing WAYS TO DEVELOP TALENTS, e.g. kite #2 action is to “Read the scriptures.” After placing three kite tales under matching numbered kites, youth try to guess the KITE ACTION, e.g. clue #2 Iron Rod matches “Read the scriptures.”
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Young Women, Primary and Home, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Sunday School, Bible Study, Activity Days
I Want to Share the Gospel “Missionary Mystery” Kite Maze
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn ten ways they can soar high and stretch their missionary talents.
1. Print/copy, color, and cut out the ten kites and kite tail word strips. Place the kite tail word strips in a container to draw from.
2. Tie a 12-inch string on each kite or drawstring lines on the blackboard under the kites.

For Little Learners, use half the kites and select word strips.
1. Tell the youth, “Let’s learn how we can soar high as missionaries.”
2. Place kites on the board with double-stick tape and a string below each or draw a string on the board.
3. Have youth take turns drawing a missionary clue (found on the kite tail word strips). Read the clue and place it on the kite string that matches the number on the kite (e.g., place the clue with #1 below #1 kite).
4. Once three clues are placed on a string, the youth try to guess what the missionary kite says. If they guess correctly, turn the kite over to show them the answer. Review the three clues again.
To Make Activity Competitive: Divide youth into two teams. Tell them that if they guess what the kite says before all the clues are read, they earn ten points for their team. The team with the most points wins after all the kites are turned over. Attach the remaining clue(s) to the string to review.
THOUGHT TREAT: Kite Krispies. Make kite shaped Rice Krispies using the Kellogg’s recipe (shown here). RECIPE LINK
Talk to youth about the 10 ways (if you have 10 youth sharing treats have each one share one way), e.g. “Read Scriptures” sharing why this is important to be a good missionary.