POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. SCOOPING UP ICE CREAM BLESSINGS build-a-cone Youth really get the scoop on all the “sweet” blessings that come from obeying Heavenly Father’s “sweet” commandments. For example, if you Teach the Gospel the SWEET blessing is “Feel great joy when someone accepts the gospel and repents”.
Come Follow Me: Primary, Sunday School, Seminary, family home evening, and daily devotionals
Scooping Up Ice Cream Blessings build-a-cone
OBJECTIVE: Youth can learn specific blessings that come from obeying specific commandments Heavenly Father has given us to obey.

TO MAKE VISUALS: Print/color and cut out the visuals in color or black and white (to color). Cut out images.
Before cutting visuals, write a number on the back of the cones and ice cream scoops (see numbered answers below*). For example “Increase honesty and unselfishness” (scoop) goes on #1 “Pay Tithing” (cone).
Laminate an entire poster or two on which to mount visuals. Laminate commandment ice cream cones and scoops and cut them out. Mount the poster on the board or wall and the cones and scoops randomly to the left and right of the poster(s).
Scooping Up Ice Cream Blessings build-a-cone
1. Compare Ice Cream with Blessings:
Say, “How many of you like ice cream? Well, there is something even sweeter than ice cream; it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It will bring you sweet blessings if you obey all of Heavenly Father’s commandments.
Heavenly Father and Jesus have given us promises for obeying each commandment (found in the scriptures–open the scriptures).
We are also promised blessings by our prophet and Church leaders (open a copy of a Church magazine: The Friend, Era, Liahona, Ensign).
When we keep the commandments we will have the promise of the Holy Ghost to guide us. When we listen to this still small voice, we will be guided to say ‘no’ to temptations and ‘yes’ to the things that are right; this is keeping the commandments.”
2. Present Cones:
Talk about commandments by placing cones on the board and then place the matching scoops on each cone and discuss the blessings for obeying each commandment.
Say, “There are three BLESSING SCOOPS to build each ice-cream cone. When we read the scriptures and listen to the prophet and Church leaders, we can learn about blessings that come from obeying each commandment. Let’s see if we can guess what these blessings are.”
3. Review Activity:
Divide youth into teams and take turns participating and say, “Let’s see who can scoop up the most blessings.”
The participating team starts by choosing a commandment cone and mounting it on the chart. Then have team player choose a blessing ice-cream scoop that matches the commandment. Read the blessing on the scoop and place it on the cone. If correct, award 10 points. If they are wrong, the other team has a chance to guess.
Example: a “Word of Wisdom” blessing scoop is to “run and not be weary, walk and not faint” (see D&C 89:20). Repeat until all are matched. The team with the most scoops wins!
*NOTE: Leader can check the answers below* or turn the cones and scoops over to see if the numbers match.
*ANSWERS (To match cones with ice-cream scoops):
1. PAY TITHING – SCOOPS: Increase honesty and unselfishness – Receives spiritual and temporal blessings – Builds temples to receive eternal blessings
2 KEEP THE WORD OF WISDOM – SCOOPS: Run and not be weary, walk and not faint – Find wisdom, knowledge and hidden treasures – Have physical health and strength
3. SHARE THE GOSPEL – SCOOPS: Feel great joy when someone accepts the gospel and repents – Others feel peace to learn of Heavenly Father’s plan – Testimony is recorded in heaven and your sins are forgiven
4. PRAY ALWAYS – SCOOPS: Receive guidance from Heavenly Father – Gain strength to resist temptation – Grow closer to Heavenly Father
5. HAVE FAMILY HOME EVENING – SCOOPS: Learn about the gospel together – Prepare to be together forever – Love and unity increases
6. BE BAPTIZED – SCOOPS: Free from sin – Receive the Holy Ghost to guide you – Become a member of God’s kingdom
7. OBEY PARENTS – SCOOPS: Avoid wrong choices, harm, and danger – Become trustworthy – Respect for parents’ decisions is increased
8. LOVE ONE ANOTHER – SCOOPS: Heart fills with compassion, kindness, and love – Your kindness inspires others to be kind – Gain friends
9. READ THE SCRIPTURES – SCOOPS: Holy Ghost will testify of truth – Learn the prophets’ testimonies of Jesus – Know about God’s commandments
(1) Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes. Instead of using cupcake liners to bake cake batter in, bake batter inside an ice cream cone with a flat bottom inside a muffin tin. Frost or top with ice cream.
(2) Real Ice Cream Cones. Have an ice cream party during the week sharing one scoop at a time. Have it outdoors for easy cleanup. Give this POST-AND-PRESENT activity again as they eat or before.
MORE LESSON IDEAS (teach the theme using the concepts below and the above activity):
. I will be blessed as I obey the Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-17; Primary 6, lesson 2)
. I will be blessed as I learn and live the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-2; Primary 4, lesson 34).
. My Gospel Standards are based on the commandments (Faith in God guidelines, back cover).
. Keeping commandments–for example, obeying the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89:3, 18-21), keeping the Sabbath Day holy (D&C 59:15-17), and paying tithing (Malachi 3:10-12; D&C 119:6)–brings promised blessings.
Source: ST 2006.6