POSTER ACTIVITY. With this Honoring Family – Happy Home slideshow youth can learn ways to honor their parents and do their part to have an eternal family.

FAMILY: Sharing Time Activity: Accept Family Responsibilities - Honoring Family - HAPPY HOME slideshow, POST-AND-PRESENT, Primary, Family Home Evening, Come Follow Me,

FAMILY Happy Home slideshow

Use for Come Follow Me, Primary and Home, Sunday School, family home evening, and youth goal activities

Honoring Family – HAPPY HOME slideshow
(accepting responsibilities)

OBJECTIVE: Youth can learn how to honor their parents and do their part to have an eternal family. They will learn ways to be thoughtful, cheerful, and considerate of each other when they: SPEAK, PRAY, SING, and WORK together (see Gospel Principles, 37).

TO MAKE VISUALS: Print in color, or color and cut out the visuals in color or black and white (to color). Put the two pieces of home and the slide strips together as directed on the visuals and laminate. Cut slits in the home on dotted lines and insert picture-strip through the home. Mount strip and home on a poster or chalkboard, mounting the left and right hearts only (allowing the house to move left to right). Place wordstrips in a container.

FAMILY Happy Home slideshow
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


1. Tell the youth, “We can make our home a happy home if we look for ways to be thoughtful, cheerful, and considerate of each other.” Show slideshow images by moving the house left to right and say, “We can do this when we speak, pray, sing, and work together.”
2. Have youth take turns drawing a wordstrip and handing it to the leader to read, e.g., “Abby’s mother had to go next door to help the neighbors, and didn’t have time to do the dishes.” The answer is WORK, so the youth slides the house to the picture of the children working. All of the answers are SPEAK, PRAY, SING, or WORK together (some with several actions). Talk about the four actions and why they make a happy home.

THOUGHT TREAT: Cookie House. With graham crackers and frosting have the family build a cookie house, or make gingerbread cookie dough, roll out and form house sides and room. Thought: Home Sweet Home – as you eat the house think about all the sweet things we look forward to coming home to and how we can make our home life sweeter.

Source: ST 2005.4

FAMILY – HONOR PARENTS: Accept Family Responsibility (Happy-Home Slideshow) – Post-and-Present Activity: for Sharing Time or Family Home Evening

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