YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? scripture ponder journal. Youth can learn testimonies of Jesus Christ by reading the scriptures and making notes on the cards, e.g., 3 Nephi 11 – He is “the light and the life of the world.” Then, write their own personal testimony on the journal page.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
What “think ye” of Christ? scripture ponder journal
OBJECTIVE: Help youth discover their testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ while pondering scriptures.
Journal 1: Give youth one Journal page and ask them to write what they think of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Make sure they enter the date.

Ponder Cards: Cut out scripture cards (shown right) ahead of time and give young women a set of cards. Ask them to search and ponder these scriptures and write what they think of Jesus Christ on each card, as it pertains to the scripture.
Journal 2: About two months later or after they have completed the cards (see #2 above), do the following: Give youth the second journal page “What think ye of Christ?” and ask them to again write their feelings about the Savior. Have them date this journal page. Then compare the two testimonies. There will be a difference.
• Follow with a testimony meeting. Explain that they can draw closer to their Savior, opening the door to let him help them in their lives by following the four steps outlined in the lesson.
QUOTE 1: What Thinks Christ of Me? – By Elder Neil L. Andersen (Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) April 2012 May Ensign – “As you love Him, trust Him, believe Him, and follow Him, you will feel His love and approval. The Church of Jesus Christ as He established it anciently has been restored, with the power, ordinances, and blessings of heaven. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.”
QUOTE 2: What Think Ye of Christ? – By Elder Robert D. Hales (Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles), April 1987 New Era “Every person in the world at some point in his or her eternal progression is one day going to have to come to the moment of truth when he or she must answer the question, ‘What think ye of Christ?’ (Matt. 22:42). Think of that. We are told that every eye shall see, every ear shall hear, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (see Philip. 2:10–11; D&C 88:104).”
TO MAKE Print activity in color or black for each youth. Cut out cards.
THOUGHT TREAT: QUESTION Crackers. Place a question symbol on each cracker (with cheese) or graham crackers (with frosting in a tube) to share with the youth. For each cracker eaten they can ask someone the question “What think ye of Christ?” GATHERING TESTIMONIES
WALK & TALK WHERE JESUS WALKED: Have someone who has been to the Holy Land come and tell where Jesus walked and what he did. Or, go through the New Testament and Book of Mormon to see where Jesus walked, asking each young woman to take a specific story to present in chronological order, spotlighting the life of Jesus. Encourage young women to take these home and present during family home evening.
“Come Unto Christ” BOOK REVIEWS OF JESUS: Have young women pick their favorite chapter of their family’s favorite book (or magazine article or story) about Jesus Christ. Give each young women five minutes to tell about the chapter. List the reading material for each young woman to place in their journal behind the Divine Nature tab.
Book Review Ideas: Jesus the Christ, Believing in Christ, The Infinite Atonement, Faith Proceeds the Miracle, and other books by latter-day prophets and General Authorities.
Source: YW3.2
• JANUARY Lesson 3 “Why is Jesus Christ important in my life?” . . . GO HERE FOR MORE LESSON IDEAS
• MARCH Lesson 2 “What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?”
. MAY Lesson 5 “How can I strengthen my testimony?”
. NOVEMBER Lesson 2 “How do I know if I am becoming converted?”