USE ACTIVITIES FOR Young Women, Girl’s Camp, Seminary, Family Home Evening (Family Night), Faith in God Activity Days, Relief Society
FEATURED QUOTE “Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts and abilities activated by the power of the Holy Ghost enable us to avoid deception – and to see, to feel, to know, to understand, and to remember things as they really are.” David A. Bednar, Apostle, “Things as They Really Are”
Create a poster, mirror motivator, journal page, and note card! Great for framing too!
. 6 printable pages
. Images come in color or black and white that leaders and youth can color
. Each quote is in three sizes: 8 x 10, 5 x 7, and 4 x 5 note card (with envelope).
1. Download instantly – once payment is made to GospelGrabBag your files will be sent
2. Click on the link sent you to download.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: By purchasing KITS you are agreeing to the copyright terms of use: (1) This download by GospelGrabBag is for personal or classroom use only and not for commercial use. (2) It is not for sharing, selling, or redistributing material.
• January Lesson 4 “What are the roles of the Holy Ghost?”
• July Lesson 4 “How do I receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?”

THOUGHT TREAT: Door to My Heart Painted Cookies. Have youth paint door-shaped sugar cookies before baking with cookie paints (food coloring mixed with canned milk – paint with paint brushes), or after baking with frosting. Talk about how we can open the door to invite the Holy Ghost by our actions. Also share how the Holy Ghost has guided you. Talk about when you didn’t listen to the Spirit, those warnings or inspirations.