USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Puzzled about Eternal Life? word-find
OBJECTIVE: Help youth review the five ways we can obtain the celestial kingdom with this fun connected word-find.
1. Keep the commandments.
2. Endure to the end.
3. Believe in Jesus Christ.
4. Be spiritually minded.
5. Be married in the temple. Little Lesson on EXALTATION: See the “Exaltation” lesson 47 in the Gospel Principles manual (visit and type in Gospel Principles manual).
1. Have youth answer, writing on paper the following: What is the happiest you have ever been? Then after they have had time to do this, ask them to write what made it the happiest time in their life? Talk about the blessings of exaltation: (found in the Gospel Principles lesson 47): 1) Live eternally in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ; 2) Become Gods; 3) Be with our families eternally; 4) Have fullness of joy; 5) Have everything that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have (all power, glory, dominion, knowledge).

2. Ask youth to think about the times when they felt the happiest and ask them to increase this 100 or 1,000 times more as we live eternally with God. Ask them, “What would you be willing to do to feel that way eternally?”
3. Are we prepared for such a life? Read Matthew 25:23 where Jesus said, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”
4. Talk about Abinadi’s testimony in Alma 5:13-16 where he challenges us to be humble, put our trust in the true and living God, changes our hearts and turn from self and turn toward the Savior.
THOUGHT TREAT: Eternal Life Rope. Tie six licorice rope pieces together into five knots/ties, making a ring. Place the ring around youth’s necks and point to the five knots, talking about the five ways we can prepare to gain eternal life (shown in the puzzle above). Tell youth that eternal life is tied directly to the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we follow these guidelines we can create family ties that last forever.
HOUSE OF ISRAEL DISCUSSION: Have a patriarch come and explain the House of Israel and the blessings associated with it using maps, etc.
NEPHI’S EMOTIONAL PLEA: Read and discuss carefully 2 Nephi 3.
ETERNAL-LIFE NIGHT: Divide youth into five groups. Ask each group to design a booth to represent one of the five ways we can gain eternal life on the connected word-find (shown above). Give youth some time on Sunday during class to discuss the design of their booth. That night, as a group, ask each booth committee to present their ideas.
1. Copy articles from the Church magazines from the new Church website: Go to Quick Links, Study by Topic, Magazines, New Era, Search. Then type in “eternal life” (with quote marks) to find this and more: What Is the Difference between Immortality and Eternal Life? by Joseph B. Wirthlin on November 2006 New Era.
2. Create favors to give away, post pictures (found in the ward library).
3. Have a youth give a 2 ½ minute talk.
Source YW3.15
• February Lesson 1 “What is the plan of salvation?”