My hands can do many things! poster or coloring page

Product Details

Help children appreciate their hands and what they can do.

2 Visuals (Color and Black & White) with instructions.

BODY - HANDS gratitude poster

OBJECTIVE: Help children appreciate their hands and what they can do.

POSTER ACTIVITY – My Hands Can Do Many Things
1. Print or copy the activity poster to color.

2. Talk about the poster, saying, “My hands can do many things! Wave, play with my pet, paint, build, zip, bounce, clap, hold. These are my two hands. Aren’t they wonderful?”

• Have objects to play with (shown on the handout).
• Help children trace their hands onto the blank space (on the handout) or place poster paint on a sponge, then inside of hands to make a print of each hand (on the handout).
3. Talk about the Home Activity: “Help me understand how many things my hands can do. Let’s play catch, make cookies, pop bubbles, or enjoy a game of peek-a-boo!” If time permits, show children how to do these things.

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My hands can do many things! poster or coloring page


