Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can I Bless Others with My Testimony of Jesus Christ?" Jan. 8, 2023 BUNDLE 3

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How Can I Bless Others with My Testimony of Jesus Christ?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
A great way to help the youth think about their testimonies of Jesus Christ is to examine together Mary’s testimony in Luke 1:46–55. Perhaps they could share with each other phrases that describe what Mary believed and felt about the Savior. Which of these phrases also describe how we feel about Him? For example, what causes our spirits to “[rejoice] in God”? (verse 47). What “great things” has He done for us? (verse 49). How has He showed His strength in our lives? (see verse 51). The activity ideas below could lead to conversations about how our testimonies of Christ can bless others.

Youth Doctrinal Class BUNDLE 3 Topic How Can I Bless Others with My Testimony of Jesus Christ?


POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I “BEE” LIEVE SWEET TESTIMONY SHARING. Share with youth that they can gain testimony through the Holy Ghost as they study and pray. Then, BEAR THEIR TESTIMONY spontaneously about the gospel: Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, Temples (forever families), Joseph Smith, the True Church, the Living Prophet, and the Priesthood. READ MORE

YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. “COME UNTO CHRIST” Book of Mormon testimony and underlining. Youth can send an invitation to those they are giving a Book of Mormon to with this testimony page (to write their personal testimony) and scripture list for which they can underline ahead of time (even place SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS pop-ups found HERE to get them reading). Also, give them a Book of Mormon Quiz Bee found on this page. READ MORE


COLOR QUOTE ACTIVITY. HEAVENLY FATHER’S PLAN For Our Success ColorQuote poster or note card. Youth can ponder this to learn that we are not alone; there is a God, our Father who loves us. “Our Heavenly Father did not put us on this earth to fail … but to succeed gloriously.” – Elder Richard G. Scott READ MORE

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. MY FAITH GROWS AS I LEARN FROM THE SCRIPTURES AND THE LIVING PROPHETS. Youth can search and ponder scriptures and conference talks and discuss how they relate to them. Then, use the chart to schedule daily prayer for three weeks. READ MORE

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Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can I Bless Others with My Testimony of Jesus Christ?" Jan. 8, 2023 BUNDLE 3


