Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can I Improve My Worship of God?" Feb. 12, 2023 BUNDLE 3

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YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS - February 12, 2023

How Can I Improve My Worship of God?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
To begin a discussion about improving worship, you could invite class or quorum members to individually review John 4:19–26 and write responses to questions like these: Why do I worship God? What does it mean to me to worship God? ...

ACTIVITIES FOR How Can I Improve My Worship of God?


YOUTH GOAL/LESSON ACTIVITY. CANDLE OF THE LORD scripture word search. Youth can write the gospel of Jesus Christ in their heart as they search the scriptures for words that help them follow Him. Here they will see that the Lord lights their path through revelation from the Holy Ghost. READ MORE

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I WILL REMEMBER JESUS’ LOVE heart connection puzzle. Youth can find the wordstrips to learn and tell these stories of Jesus to know that He can raise us from the dead, bless us, heal the sick and blind, serve others as he washed the feet of His apostles, died for us, suffered for our sins, and prayed for us. The puzzle can be put together to picture His great love for us.

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. TAKE UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Youth can listen carefully to the sacrament prayers and record on the planner what it means to take upon the name of Jesus Christ. The planner reminds them to do something each day to keep their baptismal covenants and record things they did to follow Jesus.

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. INVITES THE SPIRIT – TURNS THE SPIRIT AWAY game. Youth will increase their desire to have the right spirit influencing them as they draw from word-strips to find actions and vote: which actions INVITE THE SPIRIT and which actions TURN THE SPIRIT AWAY. One brings happiness and the other sadness.

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Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can I Improve My Worship of God?" Feb. 12, 2023 BUNDLE 3


