Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can I Share the Gospel?" November 27, 2022 BUNDLE 1

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YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS - November 27, 2022

How Can I Share the Gospel
LESSON PART 1 Counsel Together

This BUNDLE is to give youth leaders many activities to teach the above theme for the bi-weekly lesson.

Look for these activity handouts to help you teach lesson concepts and give them TEACHING TOOLS to plan and develop lesson objectives. These lesson-match interactive activities will add to and enhance your lessons.

How Can I Share the Gospel? Lesson Activities YOUTH Doctrinal Class

(1) Live the gospel.
How have we come closer to the Savior? How are we trying to be more like Him?

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. FAITHFUL FOOTSTEPS goal flip chart. Children can flip this chart to learn ways to “press forward” to walk in the steps of Jesus. This way they are keeping their baptismal covenants and can prepare to partake of the sacrament and make temple covenants. They can write on the chart things they can do to gain exaltation: Pray, Pay their tithing; Attend church; Read scriptures; Choose the right. READ MORE

(2) Care for those in need.
Who has been on our minds lately? How can we help these individuals?

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. LOVE LINGO BINGO serves like the Samaritan game. Youth can quickly find ways to serve as they brainstorm matching good deeds, calling words and yelling (when they get a row down or across) LOVE LINGO BINGO! to declare themselves a winner. Plus, placing hearts as bingo markers to keep their service-heart pumping. READ MORE

(3) Invite all to receive the gospel.
How can we answer our friends’ questions about the Church?

POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I “BEE” LIEVE SWEET TESTIMONY SHARING. Share with youth that they can gain a testimony through the Holy Ghost as they study and pray. Then, BEAR THEIR TESTIMONY spontaneously about the gospel: Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, Temples (forever families), Joseph Smith, the True Church, the Living Prophet, and the Priesthood. READ MORE

(4) Unite families for eternity.
What are some ways we can better connect with extended family members, such as grandparents and cousins?

YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. EXTENDED FAMILY CLOSENESS: Be a Friend checklist and postcard. Youth can send this “You’re a STAR of the family!” postcard to an extended family member with a note of admiration and friendship. Then, use the FAMILY CLOSENESS CHECKLIST for ideas to gather that family member closer. READ MORE

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Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can I Share the Gospel?" November 27, 2022 BUNDLE 1


