Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?" August 13, 2023 BUNDLE 3

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How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
For some of us, the “newness of life” that Christ offers (Romans 6:4) is hard to discern because it happens gradually, while for others, this change happens more quickly. You might invite class or quorum members to share what “walk in newness of life” means to them.

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YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! goals in diaper envelope. Tell youth when you present this that they are NOW OLD ENOUGH TO ACHIEVE GOALS. They don’t need to be “babied” around or be a cry “baby” when asked to change. They simply write on the “What to change” card, post them, and achieve! Extra cards might be nice to keep those goals “moving” right along.

YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. HARVESTING MY DESTINY GARDEN habit changer. Youth can learn that each thought can reap an action, habit, character, and destiny. Here they can: #1 Write three bad habits they wish to change. #2 Sow a good thought. Write a positive thought that will help change a bad habit. #3 Harvest your destiny garden. Write what each thought reaps.

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. JOYFUL SOUL D&C 18:13 tent-card challenge journal. Youth can memorize “And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!” and write how they will change their thoughts and actions on the card.

YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. SUNSHINE REPENTANCE doorknob reminder (Mosiah 27:29).Youth can learn from Alma the Younger’s experience that they can move from darkness into light and feel the warmth and peace that true repentance brings. Then write the eight steps to repentance on the back: recognize, promise, recommit, restitution, feel repentance, prove, forgive, and commit.

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Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?" August 13, 2023 BUNDLE 3


