Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can Young Women and Young Men Work to Build God's Kingdom?" March. 26, 2023 BUNDLE 3

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How Can Young Women and Young Men Work Together to Help Build God’s Kingdom?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
To help the youth you teach visualize the parables in Matthew 13, consider displaying pictures of a mustard seed, leaven (such as yeast), a pearl, and a fishing net. The youth could review Matthew 13:31–33, 45–48 and share what each of these parables teaches them about the kingdom of heaven. How can we apply the messages of these parables in our own lives? What are we doing to help the Lord build His kingdom? Here are a few activities that can help in the discussion.

FIND MORE about this lesson discussion on this GospelGrabBag page

March 26, 2023


YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. BUILD UP THE KINGDOM: Time, Talents, and Means tent card. As youth read the card Mosiah 2:34 “eternally indebted to your Heavenly Father” they will realize that God is asking us to build His kingdom. The flip-side of the card asks youth to tell how they spend their TIME, TALENTS, MEANS. Blessings are ahead (from God) for those who serve in these ways. READ MORE

YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. JEWELS IN MY CROWN Service List. Youth can give up their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God, thus earning their crowning glory and blessings. List ways.

YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. SOMETHING TO SACRIFICE goal planner. Youth who sacrifice their time, talents, and means to build up the kingdom of God upon the earth will find great blessings. See D&C 97:21 (rejoice while the wicked mourn); Verse 28: “I will bless her with blessings, and multiply a multiplicity of blessings upon her, and upon her generations forever and ever, saith the Lord your God.” The quote on the planner explains the sacrifices to make to earn these blessings. READ MORE

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. GIVE SERVICE OUTSIDE YOUR FAMILY. Youth can use this in council meetings with the bishop to plan projects or individually to find opportunities on the JustServe website or app. The ideas can be written here. The reactions of the person served can be recorded. Goals for future service opportunities can be listed. It’s great for brainstorming and planning. READ MORE

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Youth Doctrinal Class "How Can Young Women and Young Men Work to Build God's Kingdom?" March. 26, 2023 BUNDLE 3


