Youth Doctrinal Class "What Does Jesus Christ's Atonement Mean to Me?" June 25, 2023 BUNDLE 3

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What Does Jesus Christ’s Atonement Mean to Me?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
Invite class or quorum members to share something they learned about the Savior’s Crucifixion this past week in the New Testament and their feelings about the Savior.
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What Does Jesus Christ’s Atonement Mean to Me?


This is a great TEACHING TOOL for youth to teach children at home/church or in the future as missionaries (about Jesus).

LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS MY HERO be like Him doorknob sign. Youth can strive to be like Jesus as they: THINK what Jesus would think, SAY what Jesus would say, and DO what Jesus would do. Share scripture stories about Jesus and His parables. Also, youth can share ways they follow Him. READ MORE

The Lord’s Atonement affects our choices.

YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. WISE CHOICES Thumbs Up or Down game. Youths cannot always know the consequences of their decisions unless they think ahead. With this voting game they can. Toss a coin or button onto the board and then tell the good or bad consequence of that decision. Voting can help them think ahead like Joseph tempted by Potiphar’s wife, knowing ahead of time what would happen if he stayed … he ran! (Genesis 39) READ MORE

SINGING TIME. “MY REDEEMER LIVES” song visuals. Youth can know from this song that Jesus Christ is their KING. He is their bright hope to “walk the lonely road that leads to eternity.” Write words on the backs of cue cards (written Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley). READ MORE

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. INCREASE UNDERSTANDING OF THE ATONEMENT. Youth can record their feelings about the Savior and what He has done for them. They start by reading six faith-filled testimonials of apostles and prophets. Then youth and leaders can have a testimony meeting where they can testify of His love for us and their love for Him. READ MORE

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Youth Doctrinal Class "What Does Jesus Christ's Atonement Mean to Me?" June 25, 2023 BUNDLE 3


