YOUTH ACTIVITY. CONSEQUENCE QUIZ. With this Consequence Quiz youth can learn to be responsible for their choices: They can’t grow weeds from flower seeds. There is an Immediate, Future, or Eternal Consequence for every action.
Come Follow Me: Primary, Sunday School, Seminary, family home evening, and daily devotionals
You can’t grow weeds from flower seeds! consequence quiz
Tell youth, “You can’t grow weeds from flower seeds!” Help youth realize that there is a consequence for every action. Have youth complete the quiz. Next to each choice they can write: #1 The Immediate Consequence, #2 The Future Consequence, and #3 The Eternal Consequence of that choice or action.
QUIZ CHOICES to evaluate and write the above three consequences: 1) Bear my testimony, 2) Date members of other faiths, 3) Say prayers daily, 4) Associate with people of questionable moral character, 5) Smoke a cigarette, 6) Attend YW activities only when I feel like it, 7) Dress modestly, 8) Tell the truth.

PANEL POLL: After completing the activity, divide youth into three groups, each representing a panel that comments on each decision.
. Panel #1 could have a strip of paper in front of them that reads Immediate Consequences,”
. Panel #2 has a “Future Life” sign, and
. Panel #3 has an “Eternal Consequences” sign.
Read each choice and have the panel express their opinion about the choice.
DISCUSS MAKING CHOICES AHEAD: Read Genesis 39 and tell about Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and when he ran (verse 12) to resist the advances of Potiphar’s wife. He ran from her because he had made up his mind ahead of time what to do. We can do the same by writing choices for the future in our own journal. Discuss possible immediate, future, and eternal consequences, if Joseph hadn’t resisted temptation.
Source YW1.28
Ahead of time:
1. Decorate the room with prison bars. Place a sign for “Debtors Prison” on one side of the room and one for “Partners Paradise” on the other (add beautiful flowers and a pretty backdrop to this side of the room).
2. Write good and bad choices on cards and tape cards on the walls facedown, preparing one or two cards for each youth.
1. Have youth stand in the center of the room as you explain that we owe Heavenly Father a great deal for the blessings we have. The way we can pay Him back is by living the commandments and making right choices. If we don’t make right choices, we get deeper in debt. If we make right choices we grow more like Heavenly Father, and become a “partner in paradise.” Point to the Partners Paradise corner. Paradise is a place we are happy and feel loved.
2. Have youth take a card off the wall and take turns reading cards aloud to determine where they go, to Debtors Prison or Partners Paradise. Do this until everyone has a turn and has gone to their destination.
3. Ask youth how their own debts make them feel. Ask them, “With the decision you read, how do you feel about where you are?”
4. Give them a chance to respond. ask, “Do you feel trapped?” Do you feel free?”
5. Talk about our offerings of repentance, service, bearing testimony as ways to pay back our debts.
THOUGHT TREAT: Dual “Smile” or “Frown” Cookies or Cupcakes to remind youth to make happy choices that result in happy consequences (thinking about the DEBTORS PRISON OR PARTNERS PARADISE activity above).
You can’t grow weeds from flower seeds! consequence quiz
For the above activity, HERE are some ideas for the original Young Women Manual 1 Lesson 28 Resisting Sin (not available) but the following RESOURCE IDEAS are as follows:
Lesson 28: Resisting Sin
James E. Faust, “Serving the Lord and Resisting the Devil,” Ensign, Sept. 1995, 2–7.
Boyd K. Packer, “A Few Simple Lessons,” New Era, Aug 2002, 4–9.
David E. Sorensen, “You Can’t Pet a Rattlesnake,”Ensign, May 2001, 41–42.