YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. FIND JOY MONTHLY TIME CAPSULE. Youth can write their goals on each card and place them in the envelope. Then each month open and re-think each card strategy. CARDS (1) Finding joy in trials and difficulties. (2) Finding joy in knowing I can overcome temptation. (3) Finding joy in following my Savior Jesus Christ (4) Finding joy in knowing I am a son/daughter of God. (5) Finding joy in loving myself.
Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Seminary/Institute, Family Home Evening, Sunday School
Find Joy – Monthly Time Capsule
OBJECTIVE: Encourage youth to ponder thoughts monthly that will help them find joy and happiness, e.g. Finding Joy in trials and difficulties. Place these in an envelope to ponder and write thoughts and goals.
TO MAKE Print, color, and cut out five “time capsule” cards and the envelope label. Glue label on an envelope. Enclose cards in an envelope. Punch two holes at the top of the envelope; tie a bow.

TO USE TIME CAPSULE: Have youth write their goals or thoughts on each card. Have them review the time capsule cards each month to remind them to seek their divine potential and find joy. They can place a check by each month as they open and read the contents of the time capsule envelope.
• Finding joy in trials and difficulties.
• Finding joy in knowing I can overcome temptation.
• Finding joy in following my Savior Jesus Christ.
• Finding joy in knowing I am a daughter/son of God (two different cards).
TALK THE TALK: “Joy and Spiritual Survival” by President Russell M. Nelson ⇒
QUOTES ABOUT JOY (from talk):
• “When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives.”
• “Joy is powerful, and focusing on joy brings God’s power into our lives. “
• “A young woman focused on the joy of staying sexually pure to help her endure the mocking of friends as she walked away from a popular and provocative, but spiritually dangerous, situation.”
• “Anything that opposes Christ or His doctrine will interrupt our joy.”
• “Joy is a gift for the faithful.”
• “Every day that you and I choose to live celestial laws, every day that we keep our covenants and help others to do the same, joy will be ours.”
Joy and Spiritual Survival
JOYFUL THINGS TO DO: READ 2 Nephi 28:30 (“line upon line precept upon precept”). Talk about how exciting life is, always learning new things! Have youth choose a skill or something they want to do to develop their potential Conduct a workshop to develop these skills (e.g., sewing, cooking,nursing, balancing a checkbook, preparing for a career, teaching and sharing the gospel – studying “Preach My Gospel”).
1. Have youth go into a room where they can look into a large mirror, or give each a hand mirror. Ask them to really look at themselves and to smile.
2. Ask them to take another look in the mirror this next week and talk to themselves about their potential. Ask them to smile and tell themselves that they are daughter of God (Heavenly Father) and that they are of great worth and value. Tell them that if they do this day after day ten one day they will truly believe that they are daughters of God and that they are deeply loved. This realization will help them have true joy.
LEADERS: You could create a quote/plaque they could post that reads: “I am of great worth and value, according to my Heavenly Father who knows me perfectly.”
TALKING WITH HEAVENLY FATHER: Ask youth to talk to Heavenly Father as they would their best friend Heavenly Father wants us to go to Him as we would a close friend and to trust in His guidance. Have youth write things they would like to pray to Heavenly Father about. Ask them to choose something to pray about this week and listen to the Spirit. Tell them that the Spirit will guide them with warm positive feelings, when they are on the right path. Friends can help them, but Heavenly Father is their true source of knowledge and joy.
THOUGHT TREAT: Finding Joy Fudge. Make fudge by melting chocolate chips (1 bag) with 1 can sweetened and condensed milk. Have youth roll make three 1-inch balls and then roll them into rope-shapes, then form into the letters J O Y. Talk about how each might find joy.
• FEBRUARY Lesson 6 “How can I find comfort when someone I care about dies?”