MAY Come Follow Me LESSON #2 How do I receive personal revelation?
$4.00 BUNDLE (save 40%) or download individually – Includes:
1) ColorQuote poster/mirror motivator, journal page, and notecard ⇒ MORE (“But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps.” – Elder David A. Bednar
2) D&C 112:10 scripture posters and cards
3) Moroni 10:5 “By the power of the Holy Ghost …”)
4) Candle of the Lord scripture Wordsearch
Each of us is entitled to personal revelation to guide our lives. In order to receive personal revelation, we must prepare by living worthily and studying and pondering the scriptures. If we seek and ask, God will reveal His will to us through the Holy Ghost.
– Prepare Yourself Spiritually
• How do you know when you have received personal revelation? How has learning to recognize personal revelation blessed your life?
• Why do you feel it is important that the young women in your class learn how to receive personal revelation? How will you help them learn to recognize personal revelation?
MORE LESSON IDEAS from (found below)
As you prepare, prayerfully study these scriptures and resources. What do you feel inspired to share with the young women?
1 Kings 19:9–12; Helaman 5:30; D&C 6:14–16, 23; 8:2–3; 11:12–14(Ways the Spirit speaks to us)
John 14:26–27 (The Holy Ghost can help us remember things and feel peace)
Ether 2–3; D&C 9:7–9 (Personal revelation must be accompanied by our own thought and study)
Ronald A. Rasband, “Let the Holy Spirit Guide,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 93–96
Henry B. Eyring, “Continuing Revelation,” Ensign or Liahona,Nov. 2014, 70–73
Richard G. Scott, “How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 45–47
“Learn to Recognize the Promptings of the Spirit,” Preach My Gospel (1999), 96–97
“Revelation,” True to the Faith (2004), 140–44
“Let the Holy Spirit Guide,” Hymns, no. 143
Videos:“Face to Face with President Eyring and Elder Holland: How can I tell the difference between the Holy Ghost and my emotions?”“Face to Face with President Eyring and Elder Holland: How can I feel the Holy Ghost more often?”
Music for youth theme: “When the Time Is Right”
Teaching in the Savior’s way
The Savior invited those who followed Him to act in faith and live the truths He taught. He focused on helping His followers live the gospel with all their hearts by providing them with powerful learning experiences. How can you teach the young women to act in faith and live the truths they learn?
Related Youth Activities
Plan a Mutual activity that will help the young women apply what they learned in this lesson.
Share experiences
At the beginning of each class, invite the young women to share, teach, and testify about the experiences they have had applying what they learned in the previous week’s lesson. This will encourage personal conversion and help the young women see the relevance of the gospel in their daily lives.
Introduce the doctrine
Choose from these ideas, or think of your own, to introduce this week’s lesson:
Ask the young women to read or sing all three verses of “Let the Holy Spirit Guide” (Hymns, no. 143) and look for words that describe how the Holy Ghost speaks to us. What are some other words the young women can think of that describe how the Holy Ghost communicates with us?
Write on the board “I know I am receiving personal revelation when __________.” Ask the young women how they would complete this sentence. Invite them to continue to ponder this statement during the lesson and look for additional answers.
Learn together
Each of the activities below will help the young women understand how to receive personal revelation. Following the inspiration of the Spirit, select one or more that will work best for your class:
Invite the young women to watch the videos “Face to Face with President Eyring and Elder Holland: How can I tell the difference between the Holy Ghost and my emotions?”and “Face to Face with President Eyring and Elder Holland: How can I feel the Holy Ghost more often?” What suggestions do President Eyring and Elder Holland give to help us discern between the Spirit’s promptings and our emotions? What do the young women think it means to be “quiet inside,” as described by President Eyring? Invite the young women to share how they could use what they have learned to respond to a friend who has questions similar to those discussed in these videos.
Make four columns on the board with the four points of Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s talk “Let the Holy Spirit Guide” as headings. Review each section together, inviting the young women to write in the columns what Elder Rasband suggests they can do to receive personal revelation. Is there someone in your ward who is a first responder, such as a firefighter or police officer? If so, invite him or her to talk to the class about what it means to be a first responder in a medical emergency or natural disaster. How does he or she prepare to respond in these situations? Ask the young women to discuss what they learn from this discussion about how to be spiritual first responders.