POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. DON’T BOTTLE-UP YOUR TESTIMONY Share it! spin-the-bottle. Youth can learn how to build a strong belief in the gospel and testify of truth. They can spin to find the topic and then share their beliefs on the topic. Also, great for Discussion Starters; Scripture Chase; and Table Talk.
Great for COME, FOLLOW ME Lessons: Use in Primary classes, at home for Family Home Evening, or Activity Days.
Don’t Bottle-up Your Testimony . . . Share It! spin-the-bottle
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn things they can do to build a strong testimony, e.g., attend church, have family home evening, read the scriptures, listen to testimonies, pray for the Spirit to testify to you of truth.
Encourage youth to bear their testimony about spotlighted subjects: Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, the Sabbath day, the living prophet, temples, the Book of Mormon, and the priesthood.
TO MAKE VISUALS: Print, color, and cut out the testimony spin-the-bottle chart. Follow instructions to cut out and put the chart together. Mount the chart on a poster and laminate the entire poster. Laminate the bottle/arrow. Place a paper fastener in the center of the bottle and through the chart, making sure the fastener is loose so the bottle will spin.

1. Tell the youth, “Heavenly Father sent us to this earth with a testimony of His plan and of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but when we came, a veil was placed over our minds so we could live by faith. When we hear the truth, the Holy Ghost will let us know. We will feel a warm feeling in our hearts, and our minds will know that it is true. When we read the scriptures or hear others bear their testimony, we can know if they are true, especially if we pray for the Spirit to be with us.”
2. Ask a youth, “Have any of your friends asked you about your church, about what you believe in?” Point to the chart and say: “Don’t Bottle Up Your Testimony . . . Share It! Let’s play Testimony Spin-the-Bottle so we can share our testimonies.”
3. Have youth take turns coming up and spinning the bottle to point to a testimony subject (e.g., BOOK OF MORMON), then share their testimony on the subject. If one subject has been covered several times, turn it to the next subject that has not been expressed.
THOUGHT TREAT: Share-a-Sip Testimony-in-a-Bottle. Have youth each with a bottle of soda or juice take turns pouring a portion of their drink into each person’s cup. Then share a portion of their testimony. Each sips their drink and waits for the next, having a testimony meeting from the bottles.
Testimony Variation. Youth can bear their testimony for this activity in the following ways:
• Tell what they know to be true
- Sing a verse of a song
- Recite an Article of Faith or scripture (have some ready to read)
- Tell a story or share an experience
- Tell about another person’s testimony or testimony of someone in the scriptures (e.g., Alma, Abinadi, Ammon, Alma the Younger, Joseph Smith – First Vision – see activities for these on
Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
“You bear your testimony when you share spiritual feelings with others. As a member of the Church, you have opportunities to bear your spoken testimony in formal Church meetings or in less formal, one-on-one conversations with family, friends, and others.
Another way you share your testimony is through righteous behavior. Your testimony in Jesus Christ isn’t just what you say—it’s who you are.
Each time you bear vocal witness or demonstrate through your actions your commitment to follow Jesus Christ, you invite others to “come unto Christ.”4
Members of the Church stand as witnesses of God at all times, in all things, and in all places.”
• MAY Lesson 5 “How can I strengthen my testimony? ⇒
• NOVEMBER LESSON 2 “How do I know if I am becoming converted? ⇒
• DECEMBER Lesson 5 “How can I help my less-active friends return to the church? ⇒
This was a fun activity for our Sunday School class of youth ages 10 – 13. Not only did everyone participate in sharing their testimonies in class, but during the next Fast and Testimony Sacrament Meeting in our Ward, each of them (with one exception) stood to share their testimonies with the congregation, which was the first time for many of them. I feel this activity helped them to gain the confidence they needed to be able to share their testimonies with others. I recommend this activity whole-heartedly, with two thumbs up! Loved it!
Thank you Rinda for your taking a chance on our Don’t Bottle-up Your Testimony spin-the-bottle testimony sharing activity. I remember how difficult it was when first baptized at 8 – three children got up at the same time and I then really hesitated to get up; but stood up and said what was in my heart. It is the Spirit that gets them up; but a teacher-like you that teaches them principles of TESTIMONY and the importance of SHARING. You make an impression that won’t be forgotten — plus it builds confidence and later the desire to TEACH.
We are starting our YOUTH CAN TEACH series of articles. Our first one is here about CHRISTMAS. Come see what we have HERE:
Fern Law, a youth leader for six years has helped us develop these articles (MORE COMING SOON for YOUTH CAN TEACH – watch for the GOALS FOR YOUTH – YOUTH CAN TEACH series to be out by February 2025).
Jennette King, Illustrator of this (2,000 plus activities) has said this about youth teaching,
“YOUTH CAN TEACH all of these activities, so if you are a teacher or parent, please ask the youth to co-teach with you. The best way youth can learn to teach is to know they have to teach it and explain it to someone. Given this chance their testimony grows and their love for teaching and serving increases.”
The “Don’t Bottle Up Your Testimony” game was a fun activity for our youth Sunday School class (ages 10 – 13 years). Everyone participated in sharing their testimonies during class, and at our next Ward Fast and Testimony Sacrament meeting all (with one exception) stood to share their testimonies with the congregation of adults and families. This was a first time experience for most of these youth. I feel that playing the game in class may have helped them to develop the confidence needed to share their testimonies in the larger group setting. I recommend this activity, whole-heartedly and without reservation, for youth of all ages. I loved it! 10/17/24