AGES 8-11 or TEENS. LOVE LINGO BINGO Show Love like the Good Samaritan GAME. Youth can match the GOOD DEEDS like the Good Samaritan Jesus’ Parable (Luke 10:25-37; Matthew 22:34-40). Example: say please, visit a sick friend, listen politely, say kind words, take turns, smile, show kindness, or sheer up the sad.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home lessons, Family Home Evening, Young Women, Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Show Love like the Good Samaritan
Love-Lingo! Bingo
OBJECTIVE: Help the youth increase their desire to show love as the Good Samaritan did. Tell the story, and then help them match good deeds on the Love -Lingo! Bingo cards (calling words, below).
ACTIVITY: Explain that “lingo” means language. Give each player or team a different Love-Lingo! Bingo card and 22 heart markers (or have them draw the markers from a container as they play).
TO START, each places a marker in the center FREE spot. The caller reads the word-strips one at a time, and players mark their card as the word(s) are read.
TO WIN, place five markers in a row, up and down, across, or diagonally. When players win they call out, “Love-Lingo! Bingo.”
THOUGHT TREAT: Good Heart Crackers. Decorate crackers with processed cheese, making a heart on each cracker. Thought: The Good Samaritan fed toe poor man who was lying on the road. The charity that the Samaritan showed tells us that he had a good heart.
– Calling Words:
- say please
- clean up room
- tend baby sister
- call a friend
- read a story to a child
- walk quietly in the chapel
- visit a sick friend
- make a special card
- listen politely
- say kind words
- invite a friend to church
- welcome a new friend
- take turns
- invite a friend over
- be thankful
- smile
- make a treat for someone
- help with the dishes
- be courteous
- be helpful
- show kindness
- be a friend
- say “I love you!”
- speak reverently about Jesus
- respect others’ property
- share a happy thought
- pray for someone in need
- cheer up the sad
- keep a promise
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help the youth Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
LUKE 10:25, 27
“A certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.”
For the Show Love Like the Good Samaritan: Love-Lingo! Bingo game
The above activity illustrates ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #1 in the lesson (see ideas above or click the Lesson 20 link below).
Youth can match the GOOD DEEDS like the Good Samaritan Jesus’ Parable (Luke 10:25-37; Matthew 22:34-40). Example: say please, visit a sick friend, listen politely, say kind words, take turns, smile, show kindness, or sheer up the sad.
DOWNLOAD I Can Share and Care – Good Samaritan show-and-tell movable picture (HERE or below).
Sing with youth: “I’ll Walk with You,” Kindness Begins with Me,” “Give, Said the Little Stream,” and “Love One Another.”
DOWNLOAD song visuals below.