YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. JESUS IS THE GOOD SHEPHERD tent-card and match game – John 10:4. Youth can spotlight events in Jesus Christ’s life with the focus on #8 “Jesus is Our Shepherd.” Read all of John 10 to learn that Jesus loves and cares for us as a good shepherd and cares for his sheep.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
Jesus Is the Good Shepherd tent-card and match game
1) John 10:4 Bite-size Memorize Tent-card
2) Footstep Flash Cards (match game)
OBJECTIVE: Remind the youth that they can always trust in Jesus and follow Him.
ACTIVITY: With this tent card youth will be reminded to trust in Jesus as our Good Shepherd in creating this stand-up card. The card will help them memorize John 10:11 and know to read John 10:4.
Tell children that Jesus wants us to follow in His footsteps because He knows the way to eternal life with Heavenly Father and eternal happiness. Have them read the scriptures on the card and talk about ways they will follow Jesus.
1. Review Footstep Flash Cards 1-12 with children, focusing on #8, “Jesus is Our Shepherd.” Tell children that JESUS WANTS US TO FOLLOW IN HIS FOOTSTEPS BECAUSE HE KNOWS THE WAY TO ETERNAL HAPPINESS.
2. Lay two sets of Footstep Flash Cards 1-12 facedown on a table or floor.
3. Play a match game by dividing children into two teams, taking turns turning cards over to make a match. The team with the most matches wins.
4. If time allows, children could tell ways they could follow Jesus, examples below in orange.
#1 Jesus Was Born of Mary
– I Can Respect My Parents
#2 Jesus Was Baptized by Immersion
– I Can Be Baptized like Jesus
#3 Jesus Chose 12 Apostles
– I Can Follow the Prophet and His Apostles
#4 Jesus Game Sermon on the Mount
– I Can Study Church and Home Lessons
#5 Jesus Taught Us to Pray
– I Can Pray Morning, Noon and Night
#6 Jesus Healed the Sick
– I Can Help Those in Need
#7 Jesus Fed the 5,000
– I Can Help Feed Pets and People
#8 Jesus Is Our Shepherd
– I Can Be a Good Example to My Friends
#9 Jesus Told Parables
– I Can Share Scripture Stories at Church and Home
#10 Jesus Blessed the Children
– I Can Get a Priesthood Blessing
#11 Jesus Suffered for Our Sins
– I Can Think about Jesus Who Wants Me to Repent
#12 Jesus Died and Was Resurrected
– I Can Think about How Jesus Helped Me Live Again
To find activities in, type the topic in the search bar or visit the Jesus Christ Index
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help the youth Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
For the Jesus Is the Good Shepherd tent-card and match game
The above activity illustrates ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #1 in the lesson (see ideas above or click the Lesson 23 link below).
Youth can know that Jesus doesn’t push His sheep or pull His sheep, He leads the way and asks His sheep (and us) to follow Him. Following in His steps can make us happy. We are always happy when we follow Jesus. Here are some ways we can follow in His steps:
• Jesus wants us to keep Heavenly Father’s commandments so we can find safety and peace.
DOWNLOAD Keeping Inside the Fence: Commandments Keep Us Safe quiz poster activity(HERE or below).
• If we think about it, to follow Jesus we would ask ourselves, WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? With each choice we make we are certain to CTR Choose The Right when we follow Him. He is perfect and knows which path to take.
DOWNLOAD If I Were Jesus, What Would I Do? show-and-tell Post-and-Present (HERE or below).
• Ask youth to think of following Jesus, the Good Shepherd as we put on our shoes. Ask, “Which path should I take?”
DOWNLOAD Following Jesus’ Footsteps match and ponder Post-and-Present activity (HERE or below).
• Bring or show a picture of sunflowers and talk about how they always turn their face toward the sun, as we can always turn our faces, minds, and hearts toward the Son of God and follow Him.
DOWNLOAD Facing the Sun/Son of God sunflower stories Post-and-Present activity (HERE or below).
The above activities are Post-and-Present. To find over 100 COMMANDMENT (FOLLOW JESUS) activities, scripture posters, and song visuals for all ages (1-5, 4-7, 8-11, and teens) CLICK ON THIS BUTTON:
LESSON IDEAS (for the activity above):
• “The Good Shepherd” The Friend Magazine:
“A good shepherd owns his sheep. They are his, and he takes care of them. He will do anything necessary to protect his sheep, even die for them.
• Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd.
• He suffered and died for us so that we could return to Heavenly Father.
• We are His sheep if we will listen to His voice and follow Him.
We do this by
• Keeping the commandments,
• Studying the scriptures, and
• Obeying the prophets and the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
We may not actually see the Savior in this life. But if we have faith in Him and follow His voice, He will protect us and lead us in the correct paths.”
IN THE SONG (above)
We know he is coming
To gather his sheep
GAME ACTIVITY. CHOOSE TO FOLLOW Sheep or Goat? situation slap game. Youth can learn Jesus’ Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) to help them make the right decisions. The sheep sit on the right hand of God by choosing the right, serving Heavenly Father, to one day live with Him again in the kingdom of God. The word-strip choices will help them slap left (goat) or right (sheep). READ MORE
Matthew 25 | Ye Have Done It unto Me | The Bible
Matthew 25:34-46 separates sheep from goats