POST-AND-PRESENT GAME (place on board or poster, or table). TUNE INTO THE HOLY GHOST: INSPIRATION STATION Concentration Game. Youth can learn how the Holy Ghost bears witness to their heart of gospel truths and more with this Intune Radio (activity). The Inspiration Station side of the card is faceup and the ways the Holy Ghost inspires us are facedown. Youth turn the cards over to make a match, talking about each way He helps us, e.g., teach us, tell us what to do, warn us, comfort us, testify of Jesus Christ, etc.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Bible Study
The Holy Ghost Can Help Me
(Inspiration Station Concentration GAME)
OBJECTIVE: Help youth learn ways the Holy Ghost helps us:
• The Holy Ghost will teach us.
• The Holy Ghost will comfort us.
• The Holy Ghost will testify of Jesus Christ.
• The Holy Ghost will tell us what to do.
• The Holy Ghost will tell us what to do or not do.
• The Holy Ghost will help us do good.
• The Holy Ghost will warn us of danger.

TO MAKE Print, color, and cut out the radio and cards as follows. You will need two copies of each card (follow directions on how many to copy of each sheet). Mount the radio in the center of a poster as shown and laminate the entire poster. Mount each card, showing how the Holy Ghost helps us on the back of each Inspiration Station card. Laminate cards.
1. Ahead of time, mix up and post the cards facedown with double-stick tape with the Inspiration Station sides facing up. Place double-stick tape on the Inspiration Station side of the card so it will be ready to mount when you play the game.
2. Showing the poster with the cards, tell the children, “The radio we have in our car or home transmits music and words we can hear with our ears. The Holy Ghost has a power given to Him by Heavenly Father to transmit messages to our minds and hearts to help us choose the right.”
3. Tell the youth, “If we tune into Inspiration Station (pointing to the radio knob and the Inspiration Station cards), we can receive messages from the Holy Ghost that teach us, comfort us, testify of Jesus Christ, and tell us what to do or not to do, and help us do good.” (You could show these cards as you talk about them—then place them randomly in another spot facedown before playing.)
4. Ask the youth, “What can we do to be worthy of the Holy Ghost’s guidance?” Choose the right each day. We don’t want static by making wrong decisions. We want to be able to hear the Spirit’s messages clearly. “What are other ways we can tune into His Spirit?” When we pray, read the scriptures, and listen with our hearts and minds.
DOWNLOAD Righteous Radio 5-Way Tune-In Tool (HERE or below)
5. Say, “Let’s play this Inspiration Station Concentration game to learn how the Holy Ghost inspires us.”
To Play: Have the youth take turns turning two cards over to make a match.
Sharing Testimonies: Ahead of time, give out six of the “Holy Ghost” cards to six different youths and ask them to talk about how the Holy Ghost has helped them (relating to the card). Example: For the card “The Holy Ghost will comfort us,” they might say, “When I was afraid to go to sleep, I prayed, and I felt a peaceful, comforting feeling.”