LESSON ACTIVITY. RESURRECTION FLOWERPOT Easter Quiz. Youth can learn how others felt about Jesus, the first to be resurrected. Was it possible? Activity spotlights: Roman soldiers, Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Peter, Disciples, and Cleopas.
USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Seminary, Bible Study
Jesus Gave Everyone a New Beginning
Resurrection Flowerpot Quiz
OBJECTIVE: Help the youth review events in Jesus Christ our Savior’s resurrection.
ACTIVITY: Resurrection Flower Pot Quiz
Tell children, “The resurrection of Jesus means a new beginning for everyone. Let’s review the events just after Jesus was resurrected (using this flowerpot quiz).”
1. Read the statements on the flowers and guess the answer (A-F) found on the pot. Write the answer in a pencil on the flower box.
SCRIPTURE CARDS: Help youth Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left then tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
For the Jesus Gave Us a New Beginning resurrection flower pot quiz
The above activity illustrates ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY #1* in the lesson (see ideas above or click the Lesson 30 link below).
LESSON. To add to and enhance the above activity see (HERE) Lesson 33 – Primary 7 Manual – The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
*THE CLUES & ANSWERS (below) support the above Resurrection flowerpot activity.
I am the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection. Who am I? (Mary Magdalene. John 20:1, 16.)
Jesus appeared to us, and we touched his feet. Who are we? (Other women. Matthew 28:5, 9.)
I was the first Apostle to enter the empty tomb. Who am I? (Peter. John 20:6.)
I am an Apostle who ran with Peter to the empty tomb. When I saw, I believed that Jesus had been resurrected. Who am I? (John. John 20:8.)
My friend and I walked with Jesus all the way to Emmaus, yet I didn’t recognize him. Who am I? (Cleopas. Luke 24:18.)
Jesus appeared to us while we were meeting together in a room with the doors closed. Who are we? (Disciples. John 20:19.)
I was not with the other Apostles when Jesus first appeared to them. I did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until I saw him with my own eyes and felt the prints of the nails in his hands and feet. Who am I? (Thomas. John 20:24.)
We were present when the angels rolled the stone from the door. The chief priests bribed us to lie about what we saw. Who are we? (Roman soldiers. Matthew 28:12.)
The Resurrection consists in the uniting of a spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided. The Resurrection shall come to all, because of Christ’s victory over death. Jesus Christ was the first to be resurrected on this earth (Matt. 27:52–54; Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:23; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5). Others had been brought back from death but were restored to mortality (Mark 5:22–43; Luke 7:11–17; John 11:1–45), whereas a resurrection means to become immortal, with a body of flesh and bone.
All will not be raised to the same glory in the Resurrection (1 Cor. 15:39–42; D&C 76), nor will all come forth at the same time (see 1 Cor. 15:23; Alma 40:8). Christ was first; the righteous have precedence over the wicked and come forth in the First Resurrection, whereas the unrepentant sinners come forth in the last resurrection (Rev. 20:5–13).
The New Testament gives ample evidence that Jesus rose with His physical body: He ate fish and honey (Luke 24:42–43); He said He had flesh and bones (Luke 24:39); the people touched Him (Luke 24:39–40; John 20:25–29); the tomb was empty (Luke 24:2–3; John 20:1–10); and the angels said He had risen (Mark 16:1–6).
One of the most fundamental doctrines taught by the Twelve was that Jesus was risen from the tomb, with His glorified, resurrected body, as in Acts 1:21–22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33. To obtain a resurrection with a celestial, exalted body is the center point of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus is the most glorious of all messages to mankind.
Latter-day revelation confirms the reality of the Resurrection of Christ and of all mankind, as in Alma 11:41–45; 40; 3 Ne. 11; D&C 76; Moses 7:62.