LESSON ACTIVITY HOLDER. SUNNY SUNDAY SACK display activity display and storage. Children display lesson handouts in the sun pocket to show and tell friends and family during the week. When next week’s handout comes, they place the old one in the sack for safekeeping and place the new one in the sunny pocket to show and tell. The stickers on the sack remind them of happy things.
GREAT FOR CHILDREN – Come Follow Me Lessons for Primary, family home evening, Bible Study
Sunny Sunday Sack
Children place activities in the Sunshine pocket during the week to show and tell. Then, place in the sack to store.
OBJECTIVE: Help children show off the activities/handouts by first placing them in the sunny pocket to show and tell and then in the sack to store. Use for church and home.

TO MAKE Print the sun parts and glue-on-stickers and PARENT’S NOTE (below) to introduce the activity. Then on a large brown paper bag mount the sun (as shown) on the sack leaving the center parts unglued (just glue around the sides of the sun). This way it opens up like a pocket for children to place craft activities in the pocket to show-and-tell. Then place back into the sack to store.
Dear Parents: This is ________________’s (place child’s name in the blank) Sunny Sunday Sack. Each week, please help your child display Primary or family home evening creations. Self-esteem builds as items are show and lessons are retold.
TO USE: Place creations in the show-and-tell pocket during the week to reinforce the gospel topic. Then, when next week’s creation appears. Store past projects in the sack. Thank you. __________________ (sign your name) Primary Teacher

ACTIVITY: Children can slip the craft activities in the Sunny Sunday sun’s mouth pocket while they show and tell about it. Then place it into the storage bag. Also, place the poster coloring pages in the sack. These could be placed in a binder inside plastic page protector covers.
Use this for Nursery “Behold Your Little Ones” activities 1-30 during the year ⇒
Then, go to the EXTRAS section to find more ⇒
• Hands
• Ears
• Eyes
• EASTER: Children can show and tell about these lesson activities. See Lesson COLORING POSTER CRAFT