YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. HUMBLE DEEDS Secret Service. Youth can learn ways to walk humbly as they serve others as Jesus did. Read the story of the proud rich and humble poor Zoramites and the Rameumpton (Alma 34:28-29). Then allow the youth to place this list of Secret Service Deeds in the pocket with the button cards that read “This good deed for you shows my service true.” Then they can do good deeds and leave the card to show they have been there, secretly.
USE FOR Come Follow Me Primary and Home, Family Home Evening, Sunday School, Seminary, Children and Youth Goals
Humble Deeds Secret Service
OBJECTIVE: With this Secret Service Deeds Activity youth can learn ways to be humble doing service without recognition as they leave button cards where the good deed was done. Cards Read: This good deed for you shows my service true!
SCRIPTURES: Read Alma 34:28-29 (on charity) to learn why it is important to be humble in service and not proud and boasting like the Zoramites in The Book of Mormon.
Help youth worship Heavenly Father in humility and sincerity. Scriptures: Alma 31; 34:1–30, 38–41; and 35:1–9. See lesson ideas below*.

ACTIVITY: Humble Deeds Secret Service
Help youth realize the importance of doing good deeds in a humble, quiet manner, not like the Zoramites, who boasted and were full of pride (Alma 31:15-17, 20). SEE LESSON IDEAS (below).
SECRET SERVICE DEEDS: Read the scripture Alma 34:28-29 (on the pocket) and encourage youth to take their pocket full of humble deeds home and secretly leave a card wherever they do a good deed. The card reads “This good deed for you shows my service true!”
The other side of the pocket reads: “A Pocket Full of Humble Deeds – Service is a joy to do. I show my love through service true!” Place the SECRET SERVICE DEEDS list in the pocket, which reads: Make someone’s bed, wash windows, tend brothers and sisters, polish someone’s shoes, sweet the porch, do the dishes, fold the clothes, make a treat, dust the whole house, rake the leaves – Think of other things you can do! (Youth can write more Secret Service Deeds on the back of this list.)
TO MAKE Print or copy, color (or print in color) the pocket, deeds, and button cards for each youth. Fold pocket and glue sides and bottom, leaving the top open. Insert list and button-cards in the pocket. If you have a lot of extra buttons lying around you could glue a button on the back of the card or sew it on.
THOUGHT TREAT: Sweets for the Sweet. Add a few pieces of candy to their service pocket. Tell the youth that each time they do a loving service they can eat a sweet piece of candy to remind them that it is so “sweet” to give service.
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children search-and-ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. Print this 5 x 7 card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
Alma 34:17, 19, 25 “Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you; . . . Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him . . . ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places.”
Alma 31:8–35
Heavenly Father hears my prayers.
Alma felt sad when he saw how the Zoramites prayed (see Alma 31:24)—they didn’t believe in Jesus Christ and they always said the same prayers in a place where everyone could see them (Alma 31:27). But Alma’s prayer was humble and showed faith in Christ.
Briefly summarize the story of Alma and the Zoramites for the children using verses from Alma 31:8–35. You could also use “Chapter 28: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom” (Book of Mormon Stories, 78–80, or the corresponding video on Point out differences between the Zoramites’ prayer and Alma’s prayer. Invite the children to imagine they met one of the Zoramite children. What would they say to teach him or her how to pray?
Help the children identify things the Zoramites said in their prayer (see Alma 31:15–18) as they help you build a Rameumptom tower with blocks or rocks. Explain that this is not how we should pray. Ask the children how we should pray, and let them remove a block or rock for each thing they mention.
DOWNLOAD the above HUMBLE DEEDS SECRET SERVICE Activity (above). Talk about how we can be humble, not like the Zoramites who boasted and were full of pride (Alma 31:15-17, 20) and on the SECRET SERVICE WEEK pocket: Alma 34:28-29).
Book of Mormon Storie: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom