Games and Activities

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth


I Can “Bee” O-bee-d-ant doorknob hanger scripture search

Decisions Determine Destiny planner

LESSON LIFESAVERS Commandment Opposites Match Game

It’s Time for a Change goal cards

Hold Fast to the Lord's Standards word find

TEACH LIKE JESUS teaching talents planner

Righteous Example: Decisions Drama or Draw game

Light of the Gospel candle gift box

Wise Choices: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down choices game

Testimony Lost and Found match game

Harvesting My Destiny Garden Habit Changer

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Does He Know My Standards? Build-up the Priesthood Building Blocks puzzle
SAMPLE QUESTION “Do young men know I have a standard of excellence from which I will not depart?”

Gospel Standards word find

FOLLOW JESUS Goal/Activity: In His Footsteps

CHOICES Affect Consequences: Immediate, Future, or Eternal

Jewels in My Crown service list

YOUTH ACTIVITY - LESSON LIFESAVER: My Change of Heart Steps mobile

Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity What I want to “Bee” Eternally -Challenge Cards

ADVERSITY: Turn Trials into Triumphs match game

The Path to Eternal Life Decision Maker mobile

Something to Sacrifice goal planner - Children & Youth

Hen Gathereth Chickens tent-card D&C 29:1-2
3 Nephi 10:6 “How oft will I gather you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if ye will repent and return unto me with full purpose of heart.”

A Loving or Lazy Leader? word-find

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER on decision making

Counsel With Lord How-and-What to Pray For tent-card

ColorQuotes:  Create a poster, mirror motivator, journal page, and a note card with just one QUOTE. Great for framing too! 

See All ColorQuotes (HERE, and these below).

“Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts and abilities activated by the power of the Holy Ghost enable us to avoid deception – and to see, to feel, to know, to understand, and to remember things as they really are.” David A. Bednar, Apostle, “Things as They Really Are”
Color Quote on DATING
“In a world of shifting values, staying true to our standards is critical to spiritual survival. Sincerely committing ourselves to honoring our covenants can strengthen us against temptation. …Act now, so that a thousand years from now, when you look back at this moment, you can say this was a moment that mattered—this was a day of determination.” –Neal A. Maxwell
ColorQuote "When we choose to live according to the words of the prophets ...."
“When we choose to live according to the words of the prophets, we are on the covenant path that leads to perfection.” – Carol F. McConkie
ColorQuote on Commandments & Personal Revelation
“But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps.” – Elder David A. Bednar
ColorQuote "When we understand our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost . . .
“When we understand our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost, it will change our lives and will establish our total allegiance to the kingdom of God. When temptations come our way, if we will listen, the Holy Ghost will remind us that we have promised to remember our Savior and obey the commandments of God.” – Elder Robert D Hales

Gospel Principle Goal Planner

AGENCY Planner "Hop to it! Agency Actions"

COVENANTS Planner "Take upon the Name of Jesus Christ"

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER on decision making

Courage to Show Integrity PLANNER

TITHING planner activity for lesson on commandments

Youth Goal Planner on repentance and change

CLICK the title or poster below to find it all

35 POST-AND-PRESENT Poster Games and Activities

124 LESSON LIFESAVER Activities and Handouts
Ages 1-3     Ages 4-7
Ages 8-11
Ages 12-16 TEENS

23 SCRIPTURE poster/card sets to memorize

29 SONG VISUALS to teach about the subject

click posters or topics below

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of activities for CHURCH & HOME - to teach children and youth

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index of Post-and-Present activities for CHURCH & HOME

CHOOSE THE RIGHT - Index - Ages 1-3 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

CHOOSE THE RIGHT - activities and handouts to make learning fun for youth AGES 8-11 (and pre-teens) - USE FOR CHURCH & HOME - Primary, Sunday School - Also use for COME FOLLOW ME lessons

CHOOSE THE RIGHT - Index - Ages 8-11 Lesson Lifesaver Activities

CHOOSING THE RIGHT Index - Teen LESSON LIFESAVER Interactive Activities to Challenge Youth and gospel learning

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index - Scripture memorize cards and posters for All Ages

CHOOSE THE RIGHT Index for Singing Fun song visuals

See All YOUTH GOALS Young Women PERSONAL PROGRESS Value Experience Goal Planners/Journals, and Value Nights

Faith Banner PERSONAL PROGRESS Young Women
Divine Nature Banner Personal Progress for Young Women
$8.00 INDIVIDUAL WORTH Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages
$12.00 CHOICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages
$12.00 KNOWLEDGE Personal Progress BUNDLE - Value Experiences 1-7 and Project Planner, Goal Planner Forms / Journal Pages
Good Works Banner PERSONAL PROGRESS Young Women
VIRTUE Value – Personal Progress – Young Women: Invitation, Certificate, and Goal Planners for Each Value Goal
C – INDEX Commandments – Choose the Right – TEENS LESSON LIFESAVER Activities for Come Follow Me, Primary, Family Home Evening, Sunday School