YOUTH ACTIVITY. JESUS IS THE LAMB OF GOD little lamb block. Youth can read John 1:29 to learn that Jesus Christ is the lamb to take away “the sins of the world.” Several blocks can be made to push around pretending to herd sheep (and more). Comes in two sizes.

Jesus Is the Lamb of God little lamb block - Easter - Atonement

Great for Bible lessons, children and youth lessons, church and home, family night, and scripture study


Jesus Is the Lamb of God little lamb block

Help the youth learn the scripture John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Talk of Jesus who is the LAMB OF GOD (Son to Heavenly Father). Heavenly Father gave His only begotten Son Jesus to be sacrificed for the world – to save us from sin and death.

Jesus Is the Lamb of God little lamb block - Easter - Atonement
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ACTIVITY: Help youth make this LITTLE LAMB BLOCK (instructions below) and stuff it with candy or cotton balls and glue pieces of cotton on the outside. Read the John 1:29 scripture (noted above). Then have fun with the activity (or give it as an Easter gift to children). 

Herd the Sheep. To make it really fun, make several LITTLE LAMB BLOCKS for the family or your class and push/drive the lambs around on the table (herding the sheep).

Jesus is not only the LAMB OF GOD but He is also known as the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. Tell about the parable Jesus gave of the LOST SHEEP, how we are all important to Him. He doesn’t want any one of us to be lost. He wants us to repent and return to Him and to heaven again someday.

TO MAKE Print on cardstock and color a LITTLE LAMB BLOCK for each child/youth. Cut out and fold the box/block and the flaps and glue tabs/flaps leaving the top open to stuff with cotton or candy. Put pieces of cotton on the outside of the box (gluing them in place).

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT: Lambie Pie or Cookie. If you have ever heard anyone call you “Lambie Pie” they might mean that you are cute or precious, or lovable. Jesus loved each of us. To make a pie, cut miniature marshmallows in half with scissors and glue on a round sugar cookie with frosting. Then cut the cookie into pie-shaped slices to eat. Cookie Option. Cut out lamb-shaped sugar cookies and frost.

Special treats can also be placed in the small or large box.

TALK ABOUT how Jesus told a Parable of the Lost Sheep/Lamb (Luke 15:2-7)* where there were 99 sheep found, but the shepherd went out and found the 1 that was lost. Jesus doesn’t want us to be lost. This is why He volunteered in the war in heaven to come to earth to atone for our sins. This means He would be the LAMB OF GOD to offer himself up (like the lambs of old that were sacrificed–to remind the people Jesus would come and sacrifice His life for us). Once He suffered for our sins and died for us, there was no longer a need to sacrifice lambs as He was now THE LAMB OF GOD.


Compare Heavenly Father’s sacrifice with this story.

“God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, whom Abraham loved very much. Although Abraham was not ultimately required to make this sacrifice, his willingness to do so was ‘accounted unto him for righteousness’ (D&C 132:36). Because of Abraham’s righteousness, he and his descendants were greatly blessed.” – God Will Provide Himself a Lamb – Abraham 1; Genesis 15-17; 21-22

Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Behold the Lamb of God – Elder Holland

FROM THE TALK: “We are to remember in as personal a way as possible that Christ died from a heart broken by shouldering entirely alone the sins and sorrows of the whole human family. . . . I pray for all of you in the name of Him who broke the precious bread of forgiveness and poured the holy wine of redemption, even Jesus Christ, the great and merciful and holy Lamb of God, amen.”


Bite-size Memorize Poster – John 15:13 - Lamb of God

John 7-10 “I Am the Good Shepherd”

Did Jesus Really Live Again? song visuals

“Easter Hosanna” Mini Song Visual cards & Memory Game

$3.00 Easter/Resurrection - "Easter Hosanna?" Children's Songbook p. 68 Song Visuals for Primary Music practice songs, LDS Primary, Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening,

He Sent His Son song visuals

POST-AND-PRESENT Activity Keeping Inside the Fence: Commandments Keep Us Save Quiz

JESUS CHRIST – The Lamb of God wooly lamb box – “Behold the Lamb of God ….” John 1:29 New Testament activity – Easter
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2 thoughts on “JESUS CHRIST – The Lamb of God wooly lamb box – “Behold the Lamb of God ….” John 1:29 New Testament activity – Easter

  • August 31, 2022 at 12:47 pm

    I have one of the Primary Partners Nursery and Age 3 (Nursery/Sunbeam) activity books. Sadly, I do not have the CD-ROM to go along with this book. I really would like to find the activity for lesson 5, Jesus:Is Heavenly Father’s Son, Baby Jesus in a Cradle. I searched on the Gospel Grab Bag site and did not find it. Could I possibly still purchase this activity as a download? Thank you for any help you can give me.

    • September 4, 2022 at 4:10 pm

      We will get this baby Jesus in the cradle on the website soon. Thank you.


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