February 27, 2022
Come, Follow Me
Counsel Together
Led by a member of the quorum or class presidency; 10–20 minutes
At the beginning of the meeting, repeat together the Young Women Theme or the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Then lead a discussion about the work of salvation and exaltation using one or more of the questions below or questions of your own (see General Handbook, 10.2, 11.2, Plan ways to act on what you discuss.
Live the gospel. What topics has the bishopric discussed in our ward youth council meetings? What can we do as a class or quorum based on those discussions?
See the CHALLENGES shown right and below
At the end of the lesson, as appropriate, do the following:
Testify of the principles taught.
Remind class or quorum members about the plans and invitations made during the meeting.
LESSONS & ACTIVITIES to Download in:
• BUNDLES 1 & 2 to Save $
• Or, Individual Activities (that follow)
Activities (below) Add-to-and-Enhance the Come Follow Me Lessons
2. DOWNLOAD The Family: A Proclamation to the World paragraph 7 “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (HERE or in BUNDLE above) as you talk about how Abraham wanted Isaac to find a wife who could make and keep covenants with the Lord and teach them to her children.
1. DOWNLOAD As you review Genesis 24, share this ColorQuote (HERE or in BUNDLE above) “Celestial marriage is a pivotal part of preparation for eternal life. It requires one to be married to the right person, in the right place, by the right authority, and to obey that sacred covenant faithfully.” – Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. (1966), 118
INDIVIDUAL Activities with More Lesson Ideas
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
While the scriptures make clear that marriage is of great importance to God, God’s teachings about marriage are being challenged in our day. But His prophets have declared that marriage “is ordained of God” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”
DOWNLOAD “The family is ordained of God.” Proclamation scripture poster/card set (HERE or below)
When it came time for Isaac to be married, Abraham asked his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Abraham and Isaac wanted to find a wife for Isaac who could make and keep covenants with the Lord and teach them to her children. Rebekah was the faithful woman who entered into the marriage covenant with Isaac.
DOWNLOAD The Family: A Proclamation to the World paragraph 7 (rebus scripture poster/card set) HERE or below “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
It is important for those you teach to understand eternal truths about marriage. Doing so will help them prepare for and testify of this important part of our Heavenly Father’s plan.
How do the youth you teach feel about eternal marriage? How can you help them consider why eternal marriage is central to Heavenly Father’s plan? As you prepare to teach, you could review Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s message “Why Marriage, Why Family” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 50–53). SEE VIDEO BELOW
You could also review “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (
DOWNLOAD posters/card sets of these (above and below)
Why Marriage, Why Family
Have youth present this to children/family, asking questions relating to forever families then answer the questions using the words from the songs. For example: (1) “What do we need to do to be with our family through eternity?” The answer would be “marry in God’s temple for eternity.” Or, “Through Heavenly Father’s plan.” (2) “Who can show us how we can live with our families forever?” The answer would be “the Lord . . ..”
Learn Together
The youth you teach may have pondered the importance of marriage as they read Genesis 24–27 this week. Invite them to review Genesis 24. Ask them to share verses showing that marriage was important to the people described in this chapter. Invite them to consider WHY ETERNAL MARRIAGE IS CENTRAL TO GOD’S PLAN.
The activities below can help them better understand the importance of marriage.
Members of your class or quorum may have opportunities to explain why marriage is important to them. Invite them to imagine they have a friend who believes that marriage is outdated and unnecessary.
DOWNLOAD Temple and Civil Marriage Quiz puzzle (HERE or below)
ACTIVITY: Youth put two puzzles together to learn the difference between a civil and an eternal marriage (performed in the temple) sealing families for eternity.
They could write a note to this friend to explain the importance of marriage in Heavenly Father’s plan. Encourage them to include truths they find in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” They could also use scriptures found in “Supporting Resources” or in “Marriage, Marry” in the Guide to the Scriptures ( Invite them to share with the class what they wrote.
As we accept God’s teachings about marriage and strive to live them, we receive many blessings. But some people—including those who are doing their best to live the gospel—face challenges in establishing happy, eternal marriages. You might ask the youth to TALK ABOUT SOME OF THOSE CHALLENGES. What can we do now to prepare for such challenges? You might also invite them to read the last two sections of Elder Neil L. Andersen’s message “The Eye of Faith” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 34–38). Members of your class or quorum could discuss examples they have seen in their lives or their family histories of people dealing faithfully with challenges like those Elder Andersen mentioned. How can the Savior help all those who face challenges as they seek the blessings of an eternal marriage?
Act in Faith
Encourage class or quorum members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. If they would like, they could share their ideas. Invite them to think about how acting on their impressions will strengthen their relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Supporting Resources
Doctrine and Covenants 49:16–17 (Marriage helps fulfill the purpose of the Creation)
Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4; 132:15–21 (Eternal marriage is required for exaltation)
DOWNLOAD Proclamation 3 scripture poster/card set (HERE or below) “Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.”
“Renaissance of Marriage,” “How Did Elder and Sister Bednar Meet?” from “Face to Face with Elder and Sister Bednar” (videos), ChurchofJesusChrist. SEE VIDEO BELOW