Why is Chastity Important in God’s Plan?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)
June 12, 2022
Ruth; 1 Samuel 1-3
June 27, 2022
2 Samuel 5-7; 11-12; 1 Kings 3; 8; 11
Part 1
Why is Chastity Important in God’s Plan?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)
LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITIES 4 in on 1 bundle to save $ or click individual activities below
Counsel Together
Led by a member of the quorum or class presidency; 10–20 minutes
At the beginning of the meeting, repeat together the Young Women Theme or the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Then lead a discussion about the work of salvation and exaltation using one or more of the questions below or questions of your own (see General Handbook, 10.2, 11.2, ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Plan ways to act on what you discuss.
Live the gospel. How have we come closer to the Savior? How are we trying to be more like Him?
Care for those in need. Who has been on our minds lately? How can we help these individuals?
Invite all to receive the gospel. How can we answer our friends’ questions about the Church in a way that strengthens their faith in the Savior?
Unite families for eternity. What are some ways we can better connect with extended family members, such as grandparents and cousins?
At the end of the lesson, as appropriate, do the following:
Testify of the principles taught.
Remind class or quorum members about the plans and invitations made during the meeting.
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- MORE IDEAS ON: Unite families for eternity. What are some ways we can better connect with extended family members, such as grandparents and cousins?
MUTUAL NIGHT, Family Night, Sunday School, Seminary ACTIVITIES

GRAMMY AWARD NIGHT: Have youth create a potluck dinner for a grandmother or grandfather. Have them spotlight the grandparent and award them with a Grammy Award cookie or a homemade certificate. The cookie could be a graham-cracker they write “Grammy Award.” If grandparents are not close by they could invite a senior from the ward/branch. You could create an ice cream bar and make round graham-cracker cookies or other cookies to fill with ice cream (GO HERE for ideas). Or, create a Queen or King for a Day! activity (shown) to entertain seniors (go HERE to download).
“RELTIVE”-LY FUN NIGHT: Create a fun night for youth to bring one of their favorite relatives they are close to. Take time to introduce the relative and allow them to share with the group special moments.
ORGANIZE FAMILY GREETING CARDS: Create greeting card storage pockets that youth can store their greeting cards months ahead to send to relatives. They can contact relatives to learn of their birth-day dates and make homemade cards to send.
To Create 12 Pockets (and label each with the month January – December): Cut an 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper (cardstock) in thirds. Glue the bottom and sides of the 1/3 sheet of paper to an 8 1/2″ x 11″ inch sheet of cardstock paper (only gluing the sides and bottom, leaving the top open. Three-hole punch pockets to place in a looseleaf binder. Youth can use 3″ x 5″ cards to place inside pockets to remind them of who they want to send cards for holidays, birthdays, etc.. This is a great place to put “thank you” cards and “get well” cards ready to send. They also may want to have a special pocket for these and addresses and stamps, and supplies to make greeting cards. Maybe get together as a group to make these ahead, sharing ideas.
FAMILY PHOTO SHARING: Have youth bring some favorite family photos to show and tell about their extended family as they show photos. As them to tell one or two reasons why they love this extended family member; maybe even share how they have influenced them to make the right choices. Remind them that as they show their love to extended family members, they will create lasting memories they can share with their children and write about in their journals for posterity.
Part 2
Why is Chastity Important in God’s Plan?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)
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Teach the Doctrine
Led by an adult leader or youth; 25–35 minutes
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
Our Heavenly Father, who wants us to be happy, gave us the law of chastity. And Satan, who wants us to be miserable, teaches that this law is not important. He does everything he can to tempt us to commit sexual sin. Young people can be influenced by images and messages that contradict what God teaches about sexuality. Each of us needs to beware of such temptations and strive to keep our thoughts, words, and actions pure throughout our lives. We learn this lesson from King David’s sad experience. He was an example of great faithfulness. But he gave in to temptation and broke the law of chastity (see 2 Samuel 11:1–5).
You can prepare to teach by reading 2 Samuel 11, Elder David A. Bednar’s message “We Believe in Being Chaste” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 41–44) SEE VIDEO BELOW, and other resources about chastity. What might inspire class or quorum members to see chastity the way God sees it? What might help them reject the way Satan sees it?
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*IT’S A JUNGLE OUT THERE! QUICKSAND TRAPS: Set up a jungle scene with brown wrapping paper in the center to represent quicksand. Place a nice lounge chair with an umbrella with an intriguing drink on top of the quicksand. Take youth through the jungle scene and end up focusing on the lounge chair scene. Tell them that below the chair is quicksand. They would naturally stay away from quicksand if they knew it was there. But Satan’s traps are often disguised by trees in the jungle or in our lives by attractive objects or words that entice. Talk about Satan’s quicksand traps to pull you under into necking, petting, intimacy, and sex. If we put our toes in the quicksand, we are tempted to go further until our feet and legs are stuck, and soon we are sitting in the quicksand. Before we realize it, we are up to our necks in Satan’s trap.
Have youth sit down and write questions on slips of paper and place them in a box. Talk about the questions and how to avoid quicksand traps.
Plan what to say in situations where it may be difficult to say no (e.g., at a party if alcohol is offered and we drink, we can then easily lose control – see video LEAVE THE PARTY below).
Heavenly Father reads or knows our thoughts but Satan does not have that power. Satan can only read our actions. If we give in a little, he tempts us further. Don’t give him control by letting go of your values.
CHASTITY TALK AND CHASTITY CHOICES: Bishops are very good at talking on this subject; so are their wives. Seminary teachers are also good resources. After a guest speaker, help young women project themselves into the future to look at the choices they will make. Compare dating a boy who is good (chaste), and dating a boy who is unchaste. Talk about group dates as opposed to single dating. Talk about the daily spiritual nourishment needed to help you make chaste choices.
Spiritual Crocodiles – Messages For Our Day
Elder Boyd K Packer gives us an important message about avoiding “Spiritual Crocodiles” and relates them to our modern-day temptations.
Chastity: What Are the Limits?
Latter-day Saint teens are counseled to stay sexually pure, but what exactly are the limits? Using teachings of modern prophets, this presentation shows why that’s the wrong question to ask, as well as how we can find happiness and peace through staying chaste. SUBSCRIBE to the Youth Channel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the latest videos: https://bit.ly/2Ws96cP
Part 3
Why is Chastity Important in God’s Plan?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)
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Learn Together
Here’s one way to introduce the topic of chastity while helping those you teach review what they have read in the scriptures. Write the words David and Joseph on the board. Then review together 2 Samuel 11:1–5 and Genesis 39:7–12. How did David and Joseph each respond to temptation to commit sexual sin? What do we learn from their examples? Use the following activities or some of your own to inspire further discussion about why chastity is important in God’s plan.
The youth you teach might benefit from defining the Lord’s standard of sexual purity. Invite them to review “Sexual Purity” in For the Strength of Youth ([booklet, 2011], 35–37) or the fourth paragraph of “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). How are the Lord’s teachings about sexuality different from what Satan wants us to believe? The youth could review “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” looking for statements that explain why sexual purity is important to Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. What do we learn from these statements that helps us to live righteously in today’s world?
- Sometimes others don’t understand our standards of morality, especially because these standards are so different from what many people believe. How might we answer their questions? What do we learn from Elder and Sister Renlund in the video “Why Is It Important to Live the Law of Chastity?” from “Face to Face with Elder and Sister Renlund” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). The youth could also search the scriptures in “Supporting Resources” for statements that describe the blessings of chastity. You might ask them to share their thoughts about why they choose to obey the Lord’s standard of sexual morality.
Popular culture often teaches that there is no need to be sexually pure. Yet the culture ignores truths about the blessings of chastity and the dangers of immorality. To learn more about these truths, the youth could study Elder David A. Bednar’s message “We Believe in Being Chaste.” SEE VIDEO BELOW. Some could study the section “The Intent of the Adversary,” and others could study “The Blessings of Being Chaste.” Then they could share with each other what they learned. Encourage them to write down a phrase from this message that they want to remember the next time they encounter false messages about sexuality. You could also direct them to the section titled “The Principle of Repentance.” Discuss how the Savior can heal all those who want to repent of sexual sin. Remind those you teach that they can speak with their parents or the bishop if they have questions or need to repent.
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Blessed by making important dating decisions
DATE FOR MR./MRS. RIGHT: Talk to youth about dating someone as if their dates would someday be on video for their future spouses. Tell them to date with the real purpose in mind (eternal marriage), to date as though their future posterity (children) were watching.
LIST PITFALLS TO AVOID Examples: single dates, being alone with the opposite sex, dating nonmembers, or someone who has different values. Observe how their date treats his mother (a reflection on how he will someday treat his wife). Observe how he feels about the Church, a mission, etc. Have young women ask themselves whether he is polite and considerate, what he likes to do with his time, etc.
IDEAL GIRL/WIFE SNEAK PREVIEW: Ahead of time (a week earlier) have the young men record (write about) their idea of the ideal girl or what they like and don’t like in a date or future spouse (not signing their name). Do the same for young men asking the young women to write their ideal guy–future spouse characteristics.
• Have girls/guys review some of these ahead of time and present the ideas to the group.
• Obtain videos, recordings, books, and articles on dating and future choices.
• Have a check-out system where youth can borrow these materials during the week.
• See Dating Ideas in the For the Strength of Youth: Virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light. Doctrine and Covenants 88:40
• IDEAS: Not Dating? You’re Not Alone – For Latter-day Saint teens, the modern dating scene can look complicated. Here are a few thoughts and tips to put things in perspective.
Act in Faith
Encourage class or quorum members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. If they would like, they could share their ideas. Invite them to think about how acting on their impressions will strengthen their relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Supporting Resources
1 Corinthians 6:19–20 (Our bodies are temples)
Alma 38:12 (If we bridle our passions, we can be filled with love)
Doctrine and Covenants 25:2; 121:45–46 (The blessings of virtue)
“Chastity: What Are the Limits?” SEE VIDEO ABOVE
“True Confidence,”
“I Choose to Be Pure” VIDEO BELOW, ChurchofJesusChrist.org
We Believe in Being Chaste
I Choose to Be Pure
Six interfaith youth speak candidly on why they have chosen to be sexually pure.
Thomas S. Monson said,
“Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.”
Thomas S. Monson said, “As we prove to be examples in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity, we will qualify to be lights to the world.”
Be an Example and a Light (talk)