COME, FOLLOW ME Activities to Make Learning Fun!
Old Testament LESSON 32
Here are Instant COME FOLLOW ME Activities for AUGUST (week #1) Theme: “Yet Will I Trust in Him” Job 1-3; 12-14; 19; 21-24; 38-40; 42
You’ll find our popular SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
Then scroll down to find COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities and song visuals for this week’s lesson theme. There are tons of fun lesson plans that even KIDS CAN TEACH.
OLD TESTAMENT Job 1-3; 12-14; 19; 21-24; 38-40; 42
AUGUST (week 1)
Lesson 32: August 1-7, 2022
“Yet Will I Trust in Him”
Discussion Topics (activities below) ⇓
• Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help me during hard times (overcome my challenges) as I have faith in Them.
• Jesus Christ is my Redeemer.
• Good friends uplift and encourage each other.
• My trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me remain faithful in all circumstances.
• Jesus Christ is my Redeemer.
• “When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”
• God’s perspective is greater than mine.
• SCRIPTURES to ponder in Job
See THOUGHTS TO KEEP IN MIND: Reading Poetry in the Old Testament (HERE)
See our new SUNDAY SCHOOL interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Lesson 32 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year
. . . 4 LESSONS & 40 ACTIVITIES . . .

It’s natural to wonder why bad things happen to good people—or for that matter, why good things happen to bad people. Why would God, who is just, allow that? Questions like these are explored through the experience of Job, one of those good people to whom bad things happened. Because of Job’s trials, his friends wondered if he was really good after all. Job asserted his own righteousness and wondered if God is really just after all. But despite his suffering and wondering, Job maintained his integrity and faith in Jesus Christ. In the book of Job, faith is questioned and tested but never completely abandoned. That doesn’t mean that all of the questions are answered. But the book of Job teaches that until they are answered, questions and faith can coexist, and regardless of what happens in the meantime, we can say of our Lord, “Yet will I trust in Him” (Job 13:15). ILLUSTRATED IN THE SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS pop-up (above).
For an overview of the book of Job, see “Job” in Guide to the Scriptures (
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help me during hard times as I have faith in Them.
Job trusted God and was able to remain faithful even when he faced very difficult trials. Job’s story can help children strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so they will be prepared to face their own difficult trials.
Invite the children to share what they know about Job, and help them understand what happened to him (see Job 1–2; “Job” in Old Testament Stories). Ask the children how they might feel if they were Job. Who can help us when sad things happen in our lives? Show a picture of Jesus Christ, and explain that Job’s faith in the Lord helped him during his trials (see Job 1:21).
Read to the children Job’s words in Job 13:15: “I trust in him.” To help the children understand what it means to trust in God, talk with them about other people they trust. For example, what do we trust our parents to do? What do we trust our teachers to do? What do we trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to do? Express your trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and help the children think of ways they can show that they love and trust Them.
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help me overcome my challenges as I have faith in Them.
Everyone has difficult days, and some people have trials that last a long time. Job’s faith in God sustained him through his trials. Consider how his story can help the children build their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so that they will be able to face their trials, now and in the future.
Ask the children to share what they know about Job’s story. What kind of a person was he? What happened to him? How did he respond to his challenges? Point them to verses in Job 1–2 to help them tell the story (see Job 1:1, 13–22; 2:7–10; see also “Job” in Old Testament Stories). Invite the children to share what they feel is the main message of Job’s story.
Display a few pictures of Jesus Christ interacting with others, and ask the children what they feel these pictures teach us about who Jesus Christ is and what He is like. What else do we know about Him? Invite the children to read some of the following verses to find out some things Job knew about the Lord: Job 12:10, 13, 16; 19:25–27.
DOWNLOAD Job 19:25 scripture poster/card set (HERE or below)Why is it valuable to know these things about the Savior?
Invite the children to read Job 19:14–19, and ask them what these verses say about how other people were treating Job. How might we feel if this happened to us? Invite the children to read Job 19:23–27 to find out how Job found comfort in this situation. What do these verses teach us about the Savior? Why is it important to know that He lives and loves us? (see John 17:3).
Sing together a song that testifies of Jesus Christ, such as “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 136).
DOWNLOAD I Know That My Redeemer Lives song visuals (HERE or below)What does the song suggest about why it is important to have a testimony that Jesus Christ lives? Tell the children how you know the Savior lives and why you are thankful for that knowledge. Encourage them to share their feelings and testimonies as well.
See suggested activities and song visuals below on ADVERSITY
Jesus Christ is my Redeemer.
Job was able to endure his trials and suffering because of his faith in the Lord. How will you help the children build their faith in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer?
Display a picture of Jesus on the cross or being buried in the tomb (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 57, 58). Ask the children to explain what is happening in the picture. Read to the children Job’s testimony in Job 19:25. Display a picture of the resurrected Savior (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 59, 60; see also this week’s activity page), and testify that Jesus Christ was resurrected and lives today. Why are we thankful that Jesus was resurrected?
Show a picture of Job, and explain that Job was in a lot of pain because his skin had sores all over it. He had lost his home, and his children had died. But Job knew something very important that gave him comfort. Read Job 19:25, and ask the children what Job knew. Share with the children how you know that Jesus Christ lives, and invite them to share their testimonies of Him.
Ask the children to sing about Jesus’s Resurrection, such as “Did Jesus Really Live Again?” or “Jesus Has Risen” (Children’s Songbook, 64, 70). Ask them to share how they feel about Jesus, and help them understand that we can have good feelings from the Holy Ghost to help us know Jesus Christ is real.
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
Good friends uplift and encourage each other.
When Job was struggling, his friends said that God was punishing him because he had sinned. This story can help you teach the children a better way to respond when a friend has challenges (see Job 16:1–5).
Ask the children to review the many hard things that happened to Job (see Job 1:13–19; 2:7). Read together Job 19:14, 19, looking for how Job’s friends reacted to his trials (see also Job 22:1–5). Invite the children to imagine that they were Job’s friends—how would they try to help him? Encourage them to think of a friend who may be going through a difficult time and plan something they can do to show love and support to their friend.
Ask the children to list some qualities of a good friend and to name a friend who has these qualities. Show a picture of Jesus Christ. In what ways is Jesus a good friend to each of us? How can we follow His example?
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
Encourage Learning at Home
Share promised blessings that come from keeping the commandments.
Invite the children to share with a family member or friend a way that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help them when they are having a difficult time.
Testify of promised blessings. When the Lord gives a commandment, He often promises blessings for keeping that commandment. When you invite Primary children to live a certain principle, share promises God has made through prophets to those who live that principle. You can also bear testimony of the blessings that you have received by living the principle.
DOWNLOAD lesson-match activities and song visuals (below)
OLD TESTAMENT – Job 1-3; 12-14; 19; 21-24; 38-40; 42
AUGUST (week 1)
Lesson 32: August 1-7, 2022
“Yet Will I Trust in Him”
#ComeFollowMe #OldTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #Job #YetWillITrustinHim #HardTimes #FaithinJesus #Adversity #PatienceofJob #JesusRedeemer #Endurance