Why Should Jesus Christ Be Central in My Life?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)
October 9, 2022
Isaiah 58-66
(see below)
October 23, 2022
Jeremiah 30-33; 36; Lamentations 1; 3
Why Should Jesus Christ Be Central in My Life?
LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITIES 3 in on 1 bundle to save $ or click individual activities below
Counsel Together
Led by a member of the quorum or class presidency; 10–20 minutes
At the beginning of the meeting, repeat together the Young Women Theme or the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Then lead a discussion about the work of salvation and exaltation using one or more of the questions below or questions of your own (see General Handbook, 10.2, 11.2, ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Plan ways to act on what you discuss.
SEE FOUR LESSON TOPICS (below): TOPICS (see activities for each below): (1) Faith in Jesus Christ (2) Testimonies of Living Prophets (3) General Conference Counsel
At the end of the lesson, as appropriate, do the following:
Testify of the principles taught.
Remind class or quorum members about the plans and invitations made during the meeting.
Why Should Jesus Christ Be Central in My Life?
LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITIES 2 in on 1 bundle to save $ or click individual activities below
Teach the Doctrine
Led by an adult leader or youth; 25–35 minutes
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God,” Isaiah said, “for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10). Why do you “rejoice in the Lord”? Like Isaiah, as we recognize what the Lord has done for us, we rejoice, and we speak often of the “lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord” (Isaiah 63:7).
How do those you teach feel about the Savior? What could help them feel greater love and reverence for Him? What might help them feel His love? As you ponder these questions and read Isaiah 58–66, you might also review Elder Matthew S. Holland’s message “The Exquisite Gift of the Son” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 45–47) and Sister Cristina B. Franco’s message “The Healing Power of Jesus Christ” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 60–62).
Why Should Jesus Christ Be Central in My Life?
LESSON-MATCH ACTIVITIES 4 in on 1 bundle to save $ or click individual activities below
Learn Together
As class or quorum members learn about the mission Jesus Christ was sent to accomplish, they will be more inspired to make the Savior the center of their lives. Perhaps they could search Isaiah 61:1–3 and make a list on the board of what the Savior was anointed to do (see also Luke 4:16–20). How did the Savior fulfill these aspects of His mission? How does He fulfill them in our lives now? The ideas below can help your class or quorum continue a discussion about why Jesus Christ should be the center of our lives.
General conference always has messages that testify of Jesus Christ. You might invite several class or quorum members to share something they learned about the Savior during general conference. Encourage them to share how they feel about the Savior because of what they learned.
Consider asking those you teach to describe the most important day of their lives. What might be the most important day in history? Invite them to discover what Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said was the most important day by reviewing his message “Behold the Man!” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 107–10). Encourage the youth to look for the blessings Elder Uchtdorf promised to those who “behold” Jesus Christ. They could also share what they are doing to make the Savior central to their daily lives. You could encourage them to consider what they can do to come closer to Jesus Christ and set a goal to do it.
If someone were to ask us why we believe in Jesus Christ, what would we say? Encourage the youth to share their thoughts and write them on the board. You could also invite them to review “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) or “The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ” in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel ([2019], 60–61). Encourage them to look for simple truths they would share to explain why the Savior is important to them. They could add the truths they find to the list on the board and discuss how they can share these truths with people they know.
Act in Faith
Encourage class or quorum members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. If they would like, they could share their ideas. Invite them to think about how acting on their impressions will strengthen their relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Supporting Resources
John 8:12; 14:6; Romans 8:35–39; 2 Nephi 2:3–9; 9:5–10; Alma 36:3, 27; 3 Nephi 27:14–16, 27; Ether 12:27 (Why Jesus Christ should be the center of our lives)
Becky Craven, “Keep the Change” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 58–60)
“I Believe in Christ,” “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, nos. 134, 193)
“Why We Need a Savior—A Christmas Message about Our Savior Jesus Christ,” “Because of Him” (videos), ChurchofJesusChrist.org