How Can I Receive an Outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit?
(Lesson-match Interactive Activities)
November 13, 2022
Hosea 1-6; 10-14; Joel
November 27, 2022
Jonah; Micah
How Can I Receive an Outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit?
Counsel Together
Led by a member of the quorum or class presidency; 10–20 minutes
At the beginning of the meeting, repeat together the Young Women Theme or the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme. Then lead a discussion about the work of salvation and exaltation using one or more of the questions below or questions of your own (see General Handbook, 10.2, 11.2, Plan ways to act on what you discuss.
SEE FOUR LESSON TOPICS (below): TOPICS (see activities for each below): (1) Live the Gospel (2) Care for those in need (3) Invite all to receive the gospel (4) Unite families for eternity
At the end of the lesson, as appropriate, do the following:
Testify of the principles taught.
Remind class or quorum members about the plans and invitations made during the meeting.
How Can I Receive an Outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit?
Teach the Doctrine
Led by an adult leader or youth; 25–35 minutes
Prepare Yourself Spiritually
There’s no question that we live in a time of uncertainty and fear. The Old Testament prophet Joel described our time—the “day of the Lord”—as “a day of darkness and of gloominess” and “great and very terrible” (Joel 2:1–2, 11). But that doesn’t mean our days are hopeless. Consider this promise by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Though at times we may feel buried by the trials of life or surrounded by emotional darkness, the love of God and the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ will bring something unimaginable to spring forth” (“God Will Do Something Unimaginable,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 52).
So when you notice the darkness and gloominess of our time, remember that the Lord has also promised great—even unimaginable—blessings: “I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy” (Joel 2:28; see also Joseph Smith—History 1:41). Note the specific promise that God’s Spirit would be poured out upon young men and young women. Why do you feel it is important for those you teach to understand that? Ponder this question as you read Joel 2 and Elder Uchtdorf’s message in your preparation to teach.
But that doesn’t mean our days are hopeless.
SCRIPTURE QUOTE MEMORIZATION. “MAKING HOME A PLACE OF REFUGE” ColorQuote. In a world of turmoil and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities. Families lie at the center of our Heavenly Father’s plan. . . . We need to make our homes a place of refuge from the storm, which is increasing in intensity all about us. Even if the smallest openings are left unattended, negative influences can penetrate the very walls of our homes.”– L. Tom Perry, Apostle, “The Importance of the Family” READ MORE
How Can I Receive an Outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit?
Learn Together
To help those you teach better understand Joel 2:28–29, you could place an object in a bowl and let someone pour water over it. How does this help us understand what it means for the Lord to “pour out [His] spirit upon all flesh”? How are the prophecies in Joel 2:28–29 being fulfilled? Here are some ideas that can help the youth better understand how the Lord is pouring out His Spirit today.
The scriptures record many instances when the Lord poured out His Spirit upon His people. Reviewing some of these could help the youth better understand how to receive an outpouring of God’s Spirit in their lives. Consider drawing a large pitcher pouring water on the board and asking individuals or small groups to read one or more of the scripture passages in “Supporting Resources.” They could write on the board around the pitcher what the people in their scripture passage did so the Lord could pour out His Spirit and also what blessings followed. When have we felt the Spirit comforting, guiding, or cleansing us?
You might write these words from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf on the board: “God has something unimaginable in mind for you personally and the Church collectively—a marvelous work and a wonder” (“God Will Do Something Unimaginable,” 53). SEE THE VIDEO ABOVE. Consider asking the youth to look in Elder Uchtdorf’s message for the unimaginable blessings God gave to people in the scriptures after times of hardship. What did Elder Uchtdorf teach us to do so we can make good decisions when we face hardship? Invite the youth to make a list of the “unimaginable” things God may have in mind for us. Invite those you teach to ponder what they are willing to do to receive these blessings.
Consider showing the video “President Nelson: Hear Him—Personal Revelation” ( Ask the youth to listen for insights about how the Spirit speaks to us and how He blesses our lives. They could also review President Russell M. Nelson’s message “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 93–96). Ask them to look for answers to questions like these: How did President Nelson seek and receive the Spirit’s promptings? What do we learn from Joseph Smith about God’s willingness to speak to His children? What did President Nelson urge us to do? Tell the youth about a time when you felt the Lord pouring out His Spirit. Invite them to ponder experiences they have had and, if they feel comfortable, share them.
What did President Nelson urge us to do? (from his Talk, shown above)
• “Blessings come from seeking and heeding the promptings of the Holy Ghost.”
• “How willing the Lord is to reveal His mind and will.”
• “The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children.”
• “Through the manifestations of the Holy Ghost the Lord will assist us in all our righteous pursuits.”
• “I gave thanks to the Lord every time He spoke to my heart and mind.”
• “If we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters large and small.”
Act in Faith
Encourage class or quorum members to ponder and record what they will do to act on the impressions they received today. If they would like, they could share their ideas. Invite them to think about how acting on their impressions will strengthen their relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Supporting Resources
Acts 2:1–6, 14–21; Jacob 7:1–8; Mosiah 4:1–3, 19–20; 18:7–11; Alma 19:14, 28–36; Helaman 6:34–36; Doctrine and Covenants 19:37–41