YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. TAKE UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Youth can listen carefully to the sacrament prayers and record on the planner what it means to take upon the name of Jesus Christ. The planner reminds them to do something each day to keep their baptismal covenants and record things they did to follow Jesus.
3 Nephi 18
Sacrament prayers to the Nephites from the resurrected Christ.
“This shall ye do in remembrance of my body, which I have shown unto you. And it shall be a testimony unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.”
Part 1
During the Sacrament, I Listened Carefully to the Prayers and Thought About: What it means to take upon the name of Jesus Christ.
ColorQuote. OPTIONS: POSTER, MIRROR MOTIVATOR, JOURNAL PAGE, NOTECARD. “When Christ becomes our constant companion, it will make our whole day different, … slowly, day by day, our conduct will become more unselfish, our relationships more tender, our desire to serve more constant, and we will find ourselves going about doing good. Always. We will have taken upon us not only his name, but his image in our countenances also (see Alma 5:14).” Ardeth G. Kapp READ MORE
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. FAITHFUL FOOTSTEPS goal flip chart. Children can flip this chart to learn ways to “press forward” to walk in the steps of Jesus. This way they are keeping their baptismal covenants and can prepare to partake of the sacrament and make temple covenants. They can write on the chart things they can do to gain exaltation: Pray, Pay their tithing; Attend church; Read scriptures; Choose the right. READ MORE
Part 2
How Doing This (pondering the sacrament) Affects My Actions and Decisions
QUOTE: “Decisions Determine Destiny” – Thomas S. Monson
The gate of history turns on small hinges, declared President Thomas S. Monson, “and so do people’s lives. The choices we make determine our destiny. “Joshua of old declared, ‘Choose you this day whom ye will serve; . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
YOUTH GOAL/LESSON ACTIVITY. WARM FUZZY RIGHTEOUS REMINDERS poster and bookmark. Youth can be reminded of five ways they can live the gospel daily to feel our Savior’s love. They can place a smiling face over the circle for which they try to live the gospel in that way: Love, Service, Obedience, Prayer, Study, and Work. READ MORE
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. WISE CHOICES Thumbs Up or Down game. Youths cannot always know the consequences of their decisions unless they think ahead. With this voting game they can. Toss a coin or button onto the board and then tell the good or bad consequence of that decision. Voting can help them think ahead like Joseph tempted by Potiphar’s wife, knowing ahead of time what would happen if he stayed … he ran! (Genesis 39) READ MORE
Part 3
I Practiced Keeping My Baptismal Covenants By Doing Something Each Day to Help Me Remember Jesus Christ (for two weeks)
These Are the Things I Did to Follow Jesus
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. IN HIS FOOTSTEPS mirror motivators. Youth can follow these feet to see the path that Jesus Walked: Resist temptation, Be obedient, Love and serve others, and Be meek and humble. As they visualize Christ beside them they will make better choices. READ MORE
LESSON LIFESAVER. I CHOOSE TO FOLLOW JESUS. My “Decision to Follow Jesus” Reward List. Youth can draw a smile next to each reward for following Jesus and a frown next to the consequences for not following Him. READ MORE