COME, FOLLOW ME Activities to Make Learning Fun!
Old Testament LESSON 51
Here are Instant COME FOLLOW ME Activities for OCTOBER (week #3) Theme: “I Have Loved You, Saith the Lord” Malachi
You’ll find our popular SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS to get them reading.
Then scroll down to find COME FOLLOW ME lesson-match activities and song visuals for this week’s lesson theme. There are tons of fun lesson plans that even KIDS CAN TEACH.
DECEMBER (week 3)
Lesson 51: December 12-18, 2022
“I Have Loved You, Saith the Lord”
Discussion Topics (activities below) ⇓
CLICK HERE FOR THE LESSON (detailed below) ⇒
• Heavenly Father will bless me when I pay tithing.
• We are sealed as families in the temple.
• Heavenly Father will bless me when I pay tithing.
• “I will send you Elijah the prophet.”
• “Return unto me, and I will return unto you.”
• The Lord asks for “a pure offering.”
• Malachi’s prophecies are being fulfilled in the latter days.
See our new SUNDAY SCHOOL interactive activities for this month RIGHT HERE
Lesson 51 Scripture Scholars
Week’s Scripture Scholars BOOKMARKS & scripture POP-UP Includes:
• BOOKMARKS with Come, Follow Me scriptures to read and discuss topics for Primary and Individuals and Families. Also, for Sunday School (teens).
• POP-UP to glue in scripture binding next to scripture you underline.
EXTRA ITEMS (not included) … THERE’S MORE:
• STAMP. Award readers with a STAMP for the week’s scripture reading. See below to find matching STAMPS.
• STAMP KEEPER. These can be placed on the STAMP KEEPER (see below) where you can collect 50 stamps for the year.
. . . 2 LESSONS & 16 ACTIVITIES . . .
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. . . TITHES & BLESSINGS . . .
Heavenly Father will bless me when I pay tithing.
Even if the young children you teach don’t earn money yet, they can still learn about the blessings of paying tithing.
Help the children count 10 small objects, such as the coins on this week’s activity page. Invite them to separate one of the objects from the rest, and explain that this is like the tithing we give to the Lord. We give Him one-tenth of what we receive. Share your testimony of how the Lord blesses us as we pay tithing. Sing with the children a song about tithing, such as “I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth” (Children’s Songbook, 150).
Paying tithing is more about having faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ than it is about finances. What do the children you teach understand about tithing? How will you help them have the faith to pay tithing?
Write on the board questions about tithing like the following: What is tithing? How do I pay tithing? What is tithing for? What are the blessings of paying tithing? Invite the children to search Malachi 3:8–12 and “Tithes, Tithing” in Guide to the Scriptures ( and write down answers they find. Invite them to share their answers with each other. What kind of people do we become by paying tithing?
Show the video “Jesus Teaches about the Widow’s Mite” (, or read together Mark 12:41–44. What does this story teach us about how the Lord feels about our offerings?
Draw a window on the board, and read Malachi 3:10 to the children. Invite them to point to the window when you read the phrase “windows of heaven.” Explain that this means that Heavenly Father gives us great blessings when we pay tithing. As the children color this week’s activity page, talk about some of the reasons why we pay tithing.
Share a story from the Friend magazine or from your own life about paying tithing. Invite the children to listen for blessings that can come from paying tithing.
Draw a window on the board, and invite the children to write inside the window blessings that someone might receive for paying tithing (for ideas, see Malachi 3:10–12). Invite the children to share a personal example of how they or their families have been blessed by faithfully paying tithing. Or you could share an example from your own life of how paying tithing has increased your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
As you read Malachi 3:8–12, think about your own experiences with paying tithing. What does the phrase “open you the windows of heaven” (verse 10) mean to you?
Heavenly Father will bless me when I pay tithing.
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. OPEN THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN seek-and-say. Youth can learn the Prophet Lorenzo Snow’s revelation after reading Malachi 3:8-12 to help the saints overcome debt and drought. Praying for rain and blessings, they were to pay tithing to “open the windows of heaven.” Paying 1/10th is all the Lord asks to have Him “pour out blessings.” READ MORE
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. TITHING TALES “EGGS AND COINS” stories and discussion. Youth will learn about “tithing eggs” and potatoes that earned money where 10% was paid for tithing. This boy was a future Prophet. The activity illustrates the story cards that note how TITHING HELPS: spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, brings families together through family history, provides teaching materials, and builds churches and temples. READ MORE
AGES 1-5. PREPARE FOR THE TEMPLE temple tie and tithing purse or wallet. Children learn about temples and how to prepare to go there by choosing the right and paying tithing with money earned. Laminate the images as children love to wear the tie and store money in purses/wallets. READ MORE
AGES 4-7 MY TITHING envelope. Children can store tithing money in the envelope that tells: “I show love to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ when I pay my tithing. MY TITHING Builds churches, supports missionaries, and brings temple blessings.” READ MORE
AGES 8-11 TITHING & MONEY envelopes, scripture chase, and game. Youth can learn to budget with My Cash Commitment envelopes: Spending, short-term savings, long-term savings, and tithing. Enjoy the Malachi 3:10 “open the windows of heaven” scripture chase. Play the Mind Your Money game to learn how to build a bright not to end up in “financial despair.” READ MORE
TEENS. YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Learn about the Commandment of Tithing. With this youth can learn how paying a full tithe will (1) build up the kingdom of God on the earth, (2) grow their faith, and (3) open “the windows of heaven” to “pour out blessings, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:8-12) READ MORE
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. ARTICLES OF FAITH 1:13 virtues to seek after – poster/card set. Youth can identify “praiseworthy” goals they can seek: “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men.” These character traits and more will help them endure life’s challenges. READ MORE
SINGING TIME. “I WILL BE VALIANT” song visuals. Youth can learn the words “The Lord needs valiant servants, to do his work in the latter day, who follow the teachings of Jesus and serve his people in a loving way. I will be his servant and keep my cov’nants valiantly. I’ll stand for truth. I’ll stand for right. The Lord can depend on me.“ READ MORE
“I will send you Elijah the prophet.”
Malachi’s prophecy about Elijah the prophet was fulfilled when Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple and gave him the priesthood keys that allow families to be sealed together forever. You might consider inviting someone in the ward who has responsibility for temple and family history work (such as a member of the elders quorum presidency or Relief Society presidency) to help you teach this doctrine to the children. Remember to be sensitive to the feelings of children whose families have not been sealed.
Write each phrase from Malachi 4:5–6 on a separate slip of paper. Give the slips of paper to the children, and ask them to put the phrases in the correct order. Read the verses together, and discuss questions like these: Who did the Lord promise to send? When did He say this person would come? What did the Lord say that this person would do? Why would this person need to come? Where was this prophecy fulfilled? (see Doctrine and Covenants 110:13–16).
Write on the board a question like What does it mean for the hearts of the children to turn to their fathers? (see Malachi 4:6). Invite the children to ponder this question as they watch the video “Their Hearts Are Bound to You” ( Then invite the children to share their thoughts about the question on the board. Discuss together experiences you or the children have had learning about family history.
Show the picture of Elijah from this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me–For Individuals and Families. Invite the children to share what they know about the event this picture depicts (see also Doctrine and Covenants 110:13–16). Testify that the sealing power Elijah restored allows families to be united eternally—including families who didn’t have that opportunity in mortality. If you have participated in a sealing, either for yourself or for a deceased person, talk about what you felt during that ordinance. Ask the children to share their feelings about their families and about God’s plan to help families be together forever.

“I will send you Elijah the prophet.”
See the scripture pop-up of Elijah being fed by ravens (HERE shown right)
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY: TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN OF THE FATHERS concentration game. Youth can be inspired to do temple work as they match temple workers with those on the other side waiting to have their work done. For example, Emily discovered that her relatives need to be sealed to their parents. Match that HEART with Fern and Colleen, looking for Emily. READ MORE
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. CELESTIAL BLESSINGS Sunshine Show-and-Tell. Youth complete the sentences after the word “because …” found in the sun’s rays. For example, “The priesthood ordinances performed in the temple are important because …” READ MORE
AGES 1-5 FAMILIES CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER poster or coloring page. Children can find comfort in knowing that families can be sealed in the temple in this sacred place, God’s temple. The HOME ACTIVITY helps children talk to their parents about temples and forever families. READ MORE
AGES 4-7 LET’S BE TOGETHER FOREVER! temple eternity wheel. Children can prepare to enter God’s temple where families can be sealed together forever. TURN THE WHEEL: Obey the commandments, Love one another, Obey the Word of Wisdom, Pay their tithing, Attend church, and Be honest. READ MORE
AGES 8-11 TOGETHER FOREVER righteous ring. Youth can view this first as a temple picture. Then opening into a ring to reveal temple blessings and righteous decisions that need to be made to obtain temple blessings. For example, it starts out “A temple marriage will bring eternal blessings” and it ends with, “I must obey the commandments.” READ MORE
TEENS CELESTIAL MARRIAGE ColorQuote poster. Youth can memorize this quote to know that a temple marriage will prepare us for eternal life to live in the Celestial Kingdom (where God lives). “Celestial marriage is a pivotal part of preparation for eternal life. It requires one to be married to the right person, in the right place, by the right authority, and to obey that sacred covenant faithfully.” READ MORE
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION “BIND IN HEAVEN” Matthew 18:18 scripture poster/card set. Youth can memorize this verse on temple covenants binding families for eternity: “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” READ MORE
SONG VISUALS “FAMILIES CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER” song visuals. Youth learn that, yes, their families can be sealed in the temple through priesthood power; so after they die they can be with their families again. Write the words on the cue cards to place on the back. For example, CHORUS “Fam’lies can be together forever Through Heav’nly Father’s plan.” READ MORE
DECEMBER (week 3)
Lesson 51: December 12-18, 2022
“I Have Loved You, Saith the Lord”
#ComeFollowMe #OldTestament #Primary #FamilyHomeEvening #SundaySchool #ChurchofJesusChrist #GospelGrabBag #LessonActivities #SongVisuals #IHaveLovedYouSaiththeLord #Malachi #HeavenlyFather #Blessings #PayTithing #SealedasFamilies #Temple #Elijah #ProphetElijah