YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. PRAY FOR A MISSIONARY EXPERIENCE. Youth can find those who are “honest in heart,” seeking the gospel of Jesus Christ as they #1 PRAY earnestly that they might have a missionary experience, and #2 INVITE a friend who is not a member or one less active member to a church meeting or activity. The planner helps them map it out, follow through, and write how they felt about the experience. Then, list their Future Missionary Goals.
Matthew 24:4; 28:19; and Doctrine and Covenants 88:81
“Today we must ask ourselves: Are we ready and willing to go through thick and thin for the cause in which we are engaged? Do we reflect in our countenances the joy of living the gospel of Christ as true disciples should? If we do not understand and willingly teach others of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith, who will?“ – Elder M. Russell Ballard, Quorum of the 12 Apostles, Talk “Now Is the Time” ⇓
Part 1
I prayed earnestly that I might have a missionary experience, to find those who are “honest in heart.”
From the Talk, “Now Is the Time”
“We know that both members and nonmembers are more likely to be thoroughly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ when there is a willingness to experiment upon the word (see Alma 32:27). This is an attitude of both mind and heart that includes a desire to know the truth and a willingness to act on that desire. For those investigating the Church, the experiment can be as simple as agreeing to read the Book of Mormon, to pray about it, and to earnestly seek to know if Joseph Smith was the Lord’s prophet.” – Russell M. Ballard
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. Book of Mormon “COME UNTO CHRIST” testimony and underlining. Youth can send an invitation to those they are giving a Book of Mormon to with this testimony page (to write their personal testimony) and scripture list for which they can underline ahead of time (even place SCRIPTURE SCHOLARS pop-ups found HERE to get them reading). Also, give them a Book of Mormon Quiz Bee found on this page. READ MORE
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. GUESS WHO SHARED THE GOSPEL Prophets cross match. Youth can learn from this that sometimes the prophet was the only one preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. They too may be in missionary situations where they are the only one. This will inspire them to learn ways to share the gospel from Alma, Lehi, Abinadi, Noah, Daniel, Nephi, Moses, and Enos. READ MORE
Part 2
I Invited a Friend Who Is Not a Member or One Who Is less Active to Go with Me to a Church Meeting or Activity (recording goals on the planner)
From the Talk, “Now Is the Time”
“This is God’s work. He wants us to participate with Him and His Beloved Son in bringing the gospel into the lives of all of His children. The Lord has promised us that our joy will be great if we bring just one soul unto Him (see D&C 18:15–16). Let us exercise greater faith and work together, members and missionaries, to bring many more souls unto Him.” – Russell M. Ballard
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. I CAN SPREAD THE GOSPEL Missionary Mystery kite maze. Youth can soar high as they stretch their missionary talents. Display 10 kites showing WAYS TO DEVELOP TALENTS, e.g. kite #2 action is to “Read the scriptures.” After placing three kite tales under matching numbered kites, youth try to guess the KITE ACTION, e.g. clue #2 Iron Rod matches “Read the scriptures.” READ MORE
From the Talk, “Now Is the Time”
“Sister Sheri Dew said she believes the sisters are “the Lord’s secret weapon.” I think she is right. Our sister leaders have a spiritual sensitivity that will prompt them how to best approach and nurture those whom the missionaries are teaching. The best place to begin to fully utilize the talents and wisdom of our sisters is through the established council system of the Church.” – Russell M. Ballard
YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. ANCHOR FRIEND-‘SHIP’ MOTIVATORS on friendship and fellowship. THE FRIEND-SHIP message: If you were in the same boat needing an eternal friend, what would you need on your journey, and whom would you depend on? Youth can learn how to be an anchor, a steady one to help and aid their friends with scriptures and wordstrip challenges. READ MORE
Part 3
These Are My Future Missionary Goals
• Invite others to come unto Christ
• Help them receive a testimony of The Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ, and His restored gospel
• Help them through repentance
• Help them to be baptized
• Help them receive the Holy Ghost
• Help them “live the gospel by inviting them to make and keep commitments”
READ MORE (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service)
POST-AND-PRESENT ACTIVITY. DON’T BOTTLE-UP YOUR TESTIMONY Share it! spin-the-bottle. Youth can learn how to build a strong belief in the gospel and testify of truth. They can spin to find the topic and then share their beliefs on the topic. Also, great for: Discussion Starters; Scripture Chase; and Table Talk. READ MORE
Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony | Gary E. Stevenson | October 2022 General Conference
Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
“You bear your testimony when you share spiritual feelings with others. As a member of the Church, you have opportunities to bear your spoken testimony in formal Church meetings or in less formal, one-on-one conversations with family, friends, and others.
Another way you share your testimony is through righteous behavior. Your testimony in Jesus Christ isn’t just what you say—it’s who you are.
Each time you bear vocal witness or demonstrate through your actions your commitment to follow Jesus Christ, you invite others to “come unto Christ.”4
Members of the Church stand as witnesses of God at all times, in all things, and in all places.”
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. TEACH LIKE JESUS Teaching Talents and Tools planner/journal. Youth can use this tool to plan what they will teach and to know the ways the Savior taught. Jesus Taught Through: Love, scriptures, stories, and examples. Jesus knew through prayer who needed to be taught and what to teach them. If we are nurtured by the Spirit we can teach by the Spirit. READ MORE
For Church or Family
FOLLOW THE SAVIOR – TEACHING TOOLS PANEL DISCUSSION: Have LDS teachers who teach with the Spirit talk in a panel discussion. People on the panel should understand the importance of having the Spirit.
Panel Ideas: Teachers, mothers, young women, young men, youth leaders, a bishopric member, a seminary teacher, etc.. Even use examples of a prophet’s, apostle’s, or general authority’s talk to share.
Discussion Point 1: Talk about moments of having the Holy Ghost and being an effective teacher, and not having the Holy Ghost and being an ineffective teacher.
Discussion Point 2: Present a conference talk, such as President Holland’s talk “A Teacher Come from God” or others on teaching. Help youth understand that anyone can teach if they have the Spirit, and anyone can fail to teach if the Spirit is not there.
Discussion Point 3: Talk about key scriptures, e.g., “If ye have not the Spirit, ye shall not teach” (D&C 42:14). Other Scriptures: Alma 18:34; Moroni 10:9-10; D&C 36:2; 43:15; 50:14.
Discussion Point 4: Have youth write ahead of time questions they wish to ask the panel, e.g., How do you teach a child who is not willing to listen, a child who is not reverent? How do you help others (friends, family, and co-workers) gain a desire to study the scriptures? How do you help a child make choices by listening to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost?