YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. CHOOSING STANDARDS OF RIGHTEOUS BEHAVIOR. Youth can search the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth to identify standards of righteousness and why each standard is important to live. Then choose one of the standards they need to improve and work on it consistently for three weeks. This gives them time to identify how living this standard improves their quality of life.
the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth
SOME TOPICS to consider: “Below are some topics you might have questions about. For the Strength of Youth doesn’t mention all of them by name, but it does teach eternal truths that can help you make decisions about these topics. You’ll find these truths on the pages listed below.”
SEE INDEX to find pages, e.g., honesty, 31, 32
A addiction, alcohol, anxiety, Atonement of Jesus Christ
B body perching, bullying
C chastity, cheating, coffee, commandments
D dance, dating, depression, dress, drugs
E education, emotional health
F faith in Jesus Christ, family, friends
G gossip, grace, grooming
H Holy Ghost, homosexuality, honesty
I integrity, internet
J Jesus Christ, joy
L language, LGBTQ, love, lying
M media, mental health, missionary work, modesty, movies, music
P piercings, pornography, prejudice, prescription drugs
Q questions
R racism, repentance
S Sabbath day, sacrament, same-sex attraction, sex, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual purity, social media, stealing, swearing
T tattoos, tea, tithing
V videos
W Word of wisdom
Part 1
Write STANDARDS OF RIGHTEOUS BEHAVIOR the pamphlet outlines and why each standard is important.
Each topic has three parts:
1. Eternal truths*, or doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Invitations to act on those truths
3. Promised blessings that the Lord offers those who live by His teachings
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. “COUNSEL WITH THE LORD IN ALL THY DOINGS” tent card. Youth can list on one side HOW TO PRAY and WHAT TO PRAY FOR. Then on the back, there’s a reminder “Don’t forget to pray!” For the next 30 days, record each time you say your morning and nightly prayers by filling in a box. READ MORE
Pray Always
In Elder Bednar’s talk “Pray Always” (HERE) he outlines Principles to Make Prayers More Meaningful (see Pray Always video below)
. . . “Principle #1. Prayer becomes more meaningful as we counsel with the Lord in all our doings (see Alma 37:37).
. . . Principle #2. Prayer becomes more meaningful as we express heartfelt gratitude.
. . . Principle #3. Prayer becomes more meaningful as we pray for others with real intent and a sincere heart.”
*ETERNAL TRUTH: “Heavenly Father wants His daughters and sons to always be learning. You have both temporal and spiritual reasons to seek and love learning. Education is not just about earning money. It is part of your eternal goal to become more like Heavenly Father.” (p. 31 For the Strength of Youth pamphlet)
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. I GIVE A HOOT! Vocation Future Focus planner. Youth can choose a vocation they are interested in and interview someone who WHOO has that vocation, writing their comments on the planner. They can plan to visit that type of place of employment and then record their feelings about the vocation. GIVING A HOOT like the owl they can be wise, patience, and introspective (seeing in the dark). READ MORE
*ETERNAL TRUTH – God Loves You – INVITATION Keeping Sabbath
“Show love for God by keeping His commandments. For example, by keeping the Sabbath day holy, including by faithfully preparing for and partaking of the sacrament, you show God that you are willing to dedicate one day a week to Him. As you fast and pay tithes and offerings, you show God that His work 12 is more important to you than material things. When you use the names of God and Christ with reverence, never in a vain or casual way, you show you are grateful for all They have done for you.” – For the Strength of Youth (p. 11-12)
YOUTH GOAL/LESSON ACTIVITY. SABBATH DAY PLANNER Saturday Preparations & Sunday Activities. Youth can prepare and truly measure their Sabbath activities with this “ruled” planner by asking “Is it doing good to others?” “Is it spiritually uplifting?” They can ask before writing their Sunday plans, “Would Jesus do these activities on the Sabbath?” READ MORE
Part 2
Choose Standards that Will Bring Blessings
“What shall I do that I may be born of God, … that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? … I will give away all my sins to know [God]” (Alma 22:15, 18).
“The law of chastity is there for our protection. It isn’t a limit to our love. Instead, it is the ultimate way of expressing our love. Through keeping it, we say, ‘I love you enough to respect you and keep God’s commandments. I love you enough to keep our lives Christ-centered.’” The Lord Wants Us to Obey with Exactness – “Standards for All Seasons” By Lori Fuller
MEMORIZATION ACTIVITY. “UNCHASTITY THE DEAMON OF OUR DAY” ColorQuote. Youth can memorize this quote by a Prophet on virtue. “Unchastity is the great demon of the day. Like an octopus, it fastens its tentacles upon one.” – President Spencer W. Kimball, “The Law of Chastity” READ MORE
Modesty is an attitude of propriety and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If we are modest, we do not draw undue attention to ourselves. Instead, we seek to “glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. MY MODESTY CHECKLIST poster and bookmark. Youth can check off this list to improve their personal dress, and body care, and aid them in keeping God’s standards of virtue. “My body is a spiritual gift that I will treat with respect.” Examples: “Are my shoulders covered?” “Do my clothes fit well, not too tight?” READ MORE
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. MY BIG DATING DECISIONS poster. Youth can learn six decisions regarding choosing a date and how the date should go to keep God’s commandments and be ready for the temple. For Example: “I will only attend activities that meet Church standards.” “I will save physical intimacies for marriage.” So many decisions could be made early with this post-a-decision list of plans of to-dos. Then youth don’t need to live with regret. READ MORE
Dating: “When and how should I get to know members of the opposite sex? The best way to get to know others is through genuine friendship. While you are young, build good friendships with many people. In some cultures, youth get to know members of the opposite sex through wholesome group activities. For your emotional and spiritual development and safety, one-on-one activities should be postponed until you are mature—age 16 is a good guideline. Counsel with your parents and leaders. Save exclusive relationships for when you are older. Spend time with those who help you keep your commitments to Jesus Christ.” – For the Strength of Youth p. 13
DATE FOR MR./MRS. RIGHT: Talk to youth about dating someone as if their dates would someday be on video for their future spouses. Tell them to date with the real purpose in mind (eternal marriage), to date as though their future posterity (children) were watching.
Part 3
Choose Standards You Need and Wish to Improve upon
“The biggest room in the world is the room for self-improvement.” – Author unknown
1. Identify areas to improve.
2. Outline your plans and break them into small steps.
3. Prioritize those steps.
4. Schedule specific tasks to meet your goals.
5. Review these often to stay focused.
6. Note ways to improve and notice how you improve.
– In the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin he tells of writing goals on cards and making notes as he achieved them. He said, “I am perfect except for one thing, I lack humility.”
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE! goals in diaper envelope. Tell youth when you present this that they are NOW OLD ENOUGH TO ACHIEVE GOALS. They don’t need to be “babied” around or be a cry “baby” when asked to change. They simply write on the “What to change” card, post them, and achieve! Extra cards might be nice to keep those goals “moving” right along. READ MORE
YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. HARVESTING MY DESTINY GARDEN habit changer. Youth can learn that each thought can reap an action, habit, character, and destiny. Here they can: #1 Write three bad habits they wish to change. #2 Sow a good thought. Write a positive thought that will help change a bad habit. #3 Harvest your destiny garden. Write what each thought reaps. READ MORE